Chapter Nineteen

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"Billie.. Joe.. Billie..." Tre was running towards me out of breath and sweating.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked looking him up and down. "Did a trip to your car turn into a four mile run?" I tilted my head confused.

"No.." He panted. "I have to tell you som..something." He stuttered breathlessly.

"Here, drink this." Mike threw a water bottle at him. We watched astounded as he devoured the entire bottle in a matter of seconds.

"Okay. I'm good now." He looked straight towards me.

"What is it?" I asked somewhat nervous.

"I just over heard Melanie, she was on the phone." He paused. I raised my eyebrow at him. "And? Does she have her phone privileges suspended or something?" I laughed sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. "I'm not done.. I think.. I think she was on the phone buying plane tickets." He finished. I blinked a few times before breaking into a fit of laughter. "What's so funny!?" He yelled frustrated. "So let me get this straight." I began. "Melanie.. Was on the phone... Buying plane tickets!? That's it, she's a criminal!" I yelled unable to control my laughter. Mike followed suit and began to chuckle behind me. "Don't you see?" Tre looked at us serious now. "She's going to do it again! She's going to leave!" He yelled annoyed. I stopped laughing. "Tre.. Maybe she's buying plane tickets and maybe she isn't.." I strummed my guitar. "Even if so I'm sure there's a logical explanation behind it. Stop being so damn paranoid." I stood up and grabbed my car keys. "I have to get going, I got a hot date." I winked before closing the studio door behind me.


Later that night:

I picked Lilly up from ballet and dropped her off at a babysitters for the night. As much as I loved her feisty little self I needed some time alone, with Mel.

It was about 8:15. I walked up her apartment building stairs and stopped myself right before knocking, instead I decided to let myself in. There she was, standing in the living room leaning over the back of the couch in an overly large bed time t shirt but just short enough to show the black lacy underwear she had on underneath. I snuck up quietly behind her and pushed my body up against hers, cupping my hands over her eyes before she had a chance to see me. "Guess who." I whispered into her ear. "Billie Joe, are you trying to kill me?" She asked giggling. "No. I'm trying to fuck you." I whispered again moving my hands off of her eyes. She turned around slowly and pressed her lips hard into mine. I lifted her onto the top of the couch and pulled her underwear off. "Billie..." She cried as her hands struggled to pull my jeans off. I pushed inside of her and let my fingers grip onto the back of her hair pulling her head back. She continued to moan. She leaned onto my chest as I finished inside of her. "Oh my god." I panted. We both laid down on the floor, she snuggled into my neck. "I could lay here naked with you forever.." She said quietly. I smiled to myself. "Promise me something baby. Never leave me again." I wasn't sure if this was a question or a statement but it didn't matter anyway. She was already sleeping. Would I ever get my answer?

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