Chapter Thirty Four

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"Alright guys, here we are." I helped Joey and Jake out of their seat belts and handed them their back packs.

"Thanks dad." Jake smiled up at me.

"Hey my friends are over there!" Joey yelled pointing to two boys standing on the basketball court.

Okay okay just hold on a second..." I announced as both of them looked at me confused. I kneeled down to be at eye level with them. "Just know that no matter what happens I love you and in the end ill always be here for you. I may be a giant screw up but at least I can say I got a few things right.." They knew that I meant them and Lilly. I kissed both of there foreheads and started to send them off.

"Dad?" Joey turned around.

"Yeah bud?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything's perfect." I smiled and waved as he walked away.


Later that day:

"Are we ready for the concert tomorrow night or what?" Tre walked into the studio a half hour late.

"Well we would be if our drummer wasn't MIA." Mike scoffed.

"Yeah yeah yeah." He mocked. "Billie you ready?"

I took a swig of water. "Never been more ready in my life."

"Then lets stop talking and get' ta' practicing." Mike chimed in handing Tre his drumsticks.

We practiced better then we ever had before.


That night:

"Babe remember to pay those bills tomorrow morning?" Adrienne held up three envelopes for me to see.

"Sure thing." I smiled.

"What's with you? Since when are you so happy to pay bills?" She laughed.

"Need any help around the house? Dishes, kids, trash.." I trailed off waiting for an answer ignoring her previous question.

"Really?" She looked at me surprised. I nodded. "Actually yeah all of those things and maybe pick up some groceries?"

"Anything you want."

She cocked her head to one side. "Billie.. Are you alright?"

"Better then alright." I smiled giving her a soft kiss.

Two hours later I had finished everything that was asked of me, I hugged my wife and kids goodnight. Now there was only one thing left to finish...

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