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Hi I'm Isabel Mona a 17 year old at Hollier Arts high school and this is not the usual tangled up story you see or read on a daily basis.

"Come on peaches.I know u wanna kiss me."he gave me the puppy dog eyes.Luke Hemmings always new his way around girls.But not this girl.I have to admit he was the hottest guy in school.Not to mention him being on the A list for 3 freaking years.Its no wonder the senior guys hated him so much.Now we are in 12th grade and believe it or not he's totally asking me out.I was about to walk out but I couldn't.Something about him made me feel so dangerous and honest I've never felt this way before.

"You are so gonna be late for school."my roommate,Vanessa shook me.It was only a freaking dream.I can't believe it.I glanced at the alarm and the time was 6:30Am.omg I was gonna be late for breakfast and to add on it was my first day of school.
I jumped out of bed and took a quick shower before heading out to the dinning room.Everyone was there even the famous Luke Hemmings.
Okay so you're probably wounding who this Luke Hemmings guy is.Well he is an Australian student who got transferred at Hollier High school.He's kind of a big shot back in his country and I even heard he's one of the hottest guys back there too.

Our supervisor,Jim,was reading the school timetable when my other roommate Olivia joined us at our usual table.
"So what's new?"
"Same old."I said as I looked over at the VIP lounge as they liked to call it.It was where all the cool kids ate.I starred too long and met Luke's blue eyes and so I quickly looked away.For a while I saw him give me a warm smile.
After the announcements we went to class and for the rest of the day we only had boring classes.

I spent my afternoon in the library searching for a summary of Romeo and Juliet.Just when I saw the last one I reached out to grab it but caught someone's hand.It was Luke's.
For a minute I was lost in the dream I had earlier.When we almost kissed.But that was so impossible.I am Isabel and he is Luke.Not to forget how much of a jerk he is.
"Lady I was here first."he mocked my dress code.I gave out a warm fake smile and pulled the book towards myself.
"Look Cupid I need this for my literature homework that is due tomorrow."I snapped back.I was a rebellious geek and I was not gonna be bullied in my last year of high School.
"I really need this."he pulled the book towards himself.
I pulled the book too until he let go and I fell on the floor.Everyone stoped what they where doing and began to laugh.
"You can have it."he said and went away.And that ladies and gentlemen is the reason why I'm not attracted to Luke Hemmings.
The truth is that Luke gained his popularity from being an Exchange student and played hockey.Not a lot of people are enrolled at our school because it's located in a small town.

"Ugh I hate that guy!"I said as I walked back to my desk.Olivia tilted her head to one side.
"But he's so cute."
"And so not my type."I intervened.She rolled her eyes which was pretty clear to me that she disagreed.My homework was due tomorrow and it was covering 50% of my final literature exam and I was not gonna let this opportunity slip away.

Our dinner was at 7 and as usual Jim was on our tails.If we dared to come to the dinning after 7 we starved.And this he was serious when I went 10 minutes past 7.
"Come on Jim I was studying."
"Miss Mona rules are rules.Theres nothing I can do."he said as he blocked the front door to the dining hall.
"Okay we need to put a leash on your rules."I snapped.He Just growled something about 'how he ended up teaching',slammed the door and walked away.
"Ouch!"a voice from behind me said.
"What do you want Michael?"I said without turning behind.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you.The guy who's standing right behind me is Michael Clifford.Number 4 on the A list.He is one of the popular kids at school and also a complete bully.Not forgetting he's friends with Luke.

"Someone's in a bad mood."he smirked as he tilted his head to the left And forded his arms.
"I'm just not in the mood."I gave a fake smile.
"Damn Lisa what's going on.You where so helpless and easy to pick on.What happened during the summer?"
"Besides taking karate,I had my braces removed and my hair done."
"Well either way you're still a geek."he pushed his way through me.Okay these guys need to be put in their place.I grinned my teeth and narrowed my eyes as I watched Michael Clifford hop into his Ashton Martin and drive off.

I jumped over Mrs Whites fence trying to ignore the cops.If It was for that stupid alarm I would have been out of the teachers office by now.The red and blue lights flickered down the road as the cold air of the night blew my hair into waves.I held my report card trying to outrun the cops but was busted when one pulled right in front of me.
"Mr Simpson good to see you again."The deputy spoke through the mega phone pretending like I wasn't next to him.
"Nice to see you too Mr Hastings by the way how is Viola?"
"Heart broken."he snapped and tackled me.Within a few seconds I was in the car and on my way downtown.
"So where's the whole gang?"He asked as he drove past a red light.
"You just ran a red light-"
"Don't play smart ass boy."he spat.
"Wait is this about Viola? Cause she's the one who Cheated."
"But you're the one who broke her heart and that's the reason why she didn't get into that fancy ballet school."
"Oh God murder me.Look it wasn't my fault-"
"Don't you dare play genius with me.I know you where with the 3 marketers and they are already downtown."
I took a deep breath and leaned back.I can't believe he was blaming me for his daughters total fail.She cheated on me.Not the other way round.

We arrived at the police station and to my surprise Tristan,James and Conner where already there.In a jail cell.
"I'm gonna set your bails so high not even your rich parents can afford."Mr Hastings spat as he locked the door.
"Another one of Brads good plans."Tristan mocked as he sat down looking at the floor.
"I can fix this."I started but no one wanted to listen to me.
"My School record is too messy for any other school to except me Brad!"James grind His teeth.I licked my bottom lip and made a pop sound.
"We don't even need school."
"Well I do.When are you gonna start taking things seriously and care for someone no other than yourself huh?"Conner added.For a few seconds I was quiet.
"Look guys am sorry okay.I didn't know it was gonna be this bad."They just looked at me and looked away and so I dared to say nothing.

"I'm so ashamed to call you my son Bradley William Simpson!"My father spat at me as he bailed me out.i walked out of the Police station without saying bye to the guys.Could they be really mad at me?
"I'm talking to you!"
"What Father am I too much of an embarrassment to you?"I snapped.
We drove through the driveway and I open the car door before it came to a complete stop.
My dad ran after me into the house.
"Stop right there William."He stood at the begging of the stairs case.I who was already four steps up looked at him.
"Julian Academy was a very good school.Your head teacher called me to say that you've been expelled.Do you even know that your whole life laid at that school?"he narrowed his eyes trying to reason with me.
"You are a Simpson.You will soon take over Simpson enterprises and this is not CEO behavior."ha added.
"Well Father maybe mum brought home the wrong child."I spat not realizing how much I hurt him.
"Look I know your mum and I are separated but that's no way to behave-"
"I'm not the one who came home with a stray woman as a wife."I spat.
"That's It Brad.Im not gonna take this behavior from you."We where yelling at each other and the last thing I remember seeing before going upstairs was Morin my stepmother on her bedroom door in a rose gold silk night gown.
We exchanged glances for a few seconds before I walked into my room and slamming the door.
I took a shower to get the jail stench off my body and went to bed for the night.For some reason I couldn't sleep.

May the best man win (on hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ