Chapter 5

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Hey is a picture of Isabel Mona...Aka Lisa
Hop u are enjoying...Love y'all

"You are so get to do homework with Luke.In his room!"Olivia exclaimed excitedly.She was always in dream land.I,who was standing at the other side of the room was packing some books in my bag pack.
She was now brushing her blond hair as she walked around the room mumbling about how I might be the girl he likes.Which is sooo impossible.
My phone vibrated and I realized I had a message.
I don't have all night you know.'
It was Luke.How in the world did he get my new number?
'Oh and that number Changing thing was a great idea."he added.

I sighed heavily as I put the my bag pack over my shoulder.
"I gotta go Olly and if I don't make it out alive you know where to look."
"Oh come on.Maybe he might even try to get a little comfortable with you."the wink she gave me was pretty clear.
"Oh gross no."I walked out of the room.

"Finally.You are 10 minutes late."Luke folded his arms.I was in his room and it seemed pretty empty.Almost like he was getting ready to leave.Come to think of it,it was not yet sorted out.What a snob.
"My homework is in the table and I also have Geography homework on Puerto Rico."
"But I don't take Geography."
"Now you do."he gagged.As though he was trying to imitate me.
"Ugh jerk."I rolled my eyes trying not to make eye contact with his.
"I'll be back in 2 hours."he picked up a towel and water bottle and walked out of the room.And so for the past two hours I was doing his stupid homework.

After doing 3 different types of homework my eyes where killing me.The time was now 8pm and i was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open.
I walked over to a nearby bed and decided to not sleep but rest my eyes.After all Luke wasn't going to be here for another hour.What could possibly go wrong.

After an hour of working out that evening I decided to go to Ashton's Room for a chat.The rest of the gang were there.Even Micheal my roommate.I knocked on the wooden door and got permission to enter.
"Hemmo.I thought you weren't gonna show up."Ashton used my nickname.I hated that name.
"Well I decided to cut my workout hours and come."I scratched the back of my neck whilst my eyes exchanged glances with all of them.
"Topic?"I asked.
"Mr Simpson of course.He is here and we don't know how.At least not with James,Conner and Tristan."Michael added.He was always worried about nothing.
"Well,I think we give him the worst year of his life."Ashton suggested.We all nodded in agreement.
"But he's a tough nut to crack."Calum who leaned against the desk spoke.
"What if we play pranks on him."
"Wow Ash that would work."Calum mocked.
"At least I'm thinking."he spat.Suddenly the atmosphere changed.
"Say that again bird brain."
"Woah guys chill out."I stepped in the middle of all this drama.
"Yeah the last thing we need is a show down among us."Micheal spoke.And for the first time wisely.I chuckle.
"I've got it.I can find out from resources why he's here."Micheal suggested.
"Yeah that would work."Ashton who was now cooling off spoke.
"And we can use that against him."Ashton added.
"This might work guys."Calum said.A huge smile appeared on his face.
"Okay guys we have our target."I smirked.I was really in for revenge.For what happened three years ago.Those losers got us expelled.No school wanted to in role us with in the country.And we needed a good school background.Not only that,we didn't want to be separated and so we came up with a plan to look for a school and convince our parents that we should go there.They had no idea that we where all going to the same school again.

"Hey if you're not done you'll be..."I entered my room but Lisa wasn't at the desk.My desk was arranged in order and the lamp was still on.
I turned on the beat box as I took of my sweaty T-shirt and guess who I saw on my bed.
"What the hell?"I was frightened and try to play it cool.Okay she's in my bed.
"Hey...hey you need to leave."I shook her.
"Come on just five more minutes."she mummers.Maybe she doesn't know she's still her.
"Look you're in my room."I shook her but she shoved my hand away.
"You're in my room.I need to sleep so could you please leave?"her eyes were still closed.Oh great.
"I swear if you don't leave I'm gonna..."I looked for what to say but I had nothing.
Although she looked pretty when she was not awakes.I sat by the bedside not realizing I was staring at her.
"I really need my bed."I whispered into her ear.
She smelled good.Like Peaches.Her skin looked pretty pale.clearly I was pretty close enough to smell the sent of her clothes.She turned with her eyes still closed and I found myself smiling.
What am I doing.I don't even know how to up my game.I broke up with pay to be with the one I bully.Ugh this was a big mistake.I can't believe I even did such a stupid thing.
" need to leave now!"I yelled and at once she sprang out of my bed.I looked her in the eye and she seemed confused.
"Oh my god Luke am sorry.I was a little tired and I."Her eyes focused on my abs.
"Don't care."I intervened.i can't believe I never noticed her outfit earlier.Its too...revealing.I stared to long and she noticed.
"What?"I asked rudely.
"Well I don't know you're the one staring."she snapped.
"Well it's because you're staring too"I smirked.I knew she would stare at my abs when I said that.
"You are such a..."
"Prince,hottie,sexy guy?i get that a lot."I ran my fingers through my blonde hair.I could tell she was irritated.She was now at the desk picking up her books and bag pack.
"Look peaches it was a bet and you lost."I started but she interrupted.
" do smell like them."I smiled.She rolled her eyes.
"I need to go before your roommate gets back and spoils my mood."now she's on her way to the door.
"Isn't that what I'm trying to do?"
"You wish."she chuckles.
"I get it.your mood isn't always ruined when I'm around cause.You like me!"I smiled.
"Not even if you where the last guy on earth."she turned around.Good I have her attention again.
"And why not."I stepped a few inches closer.She stepped back.I stepped closer again and she stepped back and leaned again the wall.We where a few inches close and if I came an inch closer our lips would meet.I shifted my gaze from her brown eyes to her mouth and from her mouth to her big brown eyes.
I was shirtless and she wore Sexy,well not all sexy.
My eyes met hers and my breathing rate changed.
"Come on peaches.I know you wanna kiss me."I added the puppy dog eyes too.
I bit my lower lip and watched as her eyes shifted to my abs.
"You like what you see."I smirked.
"Oh Luke.The world doesn't revolve around you.Know that."she pat me on the shoulder and broke free from the position.okay what the fuck just happened.My eyes widened.
My smile I turned around and watched her leave.So this is how it feels.

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