Chapter 2

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The next morning I was in my school uniform ready to go to school.I marched down stairs and gave my two half brother and sister,Mason and Azera,kisses on their cheeks.
My Father walked into the kitchen and glanced at me.
"You've been expelled."He sighed heavily.Its as though he was frustrated with me.
"I'm number 1 on the A list I can't be expelled."I laughed lightly.
"Brad you and your friends have been expelled."He said again but this time with a deeper voice.
"You are kidding."I frowned trying to understand the scenario.
"No am most certainly not.You had a life and you threw it all away.You didn't only have money but you had the most beautiful woman at your feet."he spoke through the news paper he was reading.
"And you decided to throw it away for that Viola who Cheated."He added.
I blinked slowly and sighed.
"If you mean Mia of  the Della Robbia family I'm gonna hurl."
"After last nights incident the Della Robbias want anything to do with us."she threw the news paper on the table so that we could see each other eye to eye.
Morin walked into the dinner with a plate of waffles and laid it before me.
"Thanks ma'am but I'm not hungry."I stood up and walked away.
"I don't know what to do anymore."I heard Morins voice echo as i closed the front door.

"Get your ass off my school before I call the cops."Mr Boris said as he and security forced me outside.
"Come on me B.I sad I was sorry."
"And I said no.You are a waste of time and I hope you and your little squad have a good life finding a school to let you in."he added.
"What do you mean let us in?"I asked as I stood by the entrance to the building.He slowly turned around and smirked.
"Well mr Simpson because of your behavior some of the Schools heard about last night and 80% of  them won't let you in."he said and walked away.Great so not only do I have no friends but no school too.

I spent my day at the park.The city of Wolverhampton was so noisy during the day.I could smell a BBQ from a mile away.I loosened my neck tied as I sat by a bench.I couldn't stand my friends not talking to me.They haven't returned my calls and messages and I haven't seen them all day.

After two hours of complete loneliness in the park I went home and though it was just noon it felt like I had been seated in the park for a year.
I walked into the house only to find my suitcase packed by the doorway.
"Morin why the hell are my things here?"I yelled as my voice echoed through the house.
"I told her to pack them."My father came out of the study adjusting his tie.
"Great now i get kicked out of my own home."I growled.
"No School wants to enroll you and your shitty behavior."She spat now grabbing his white jacket.
"And you are going to school over seas."he said as he put his jacket on.
"Wait what?Father I know I've been such a-"
"No vulgar language in my house."
"I'm sorry but please give me a chance."
"You had a million chances and you blew them all.Now I don't want to get hot headed.In the"his voice sounded a little I  hate it when his tone changes.
"But what about James and Tristan and Conner?They are my friends."
"You can write them an email."he added and now was on his way back to the study.
I followed behind like a little duckling behind it's mother.
"Father please.Im sorry and I'll never behave like the way i did last night."
"My word is final.Just be happy that you're not going to that BRAT school in china."he said.
"But does Mother approve of this?"I span him around so that we where face to face.
"She Loves the idea and said she'll be at the airport at 5:30pm.
I ran my hand through my hair.
"I feel like you fucking hate me and want to get rid of me!"My head got so hot that I swore I would punch the nearest thing standing in my way.
"Bradley William Simpson.You go upstairs and shower before your flight or we will be changing your travel to china to that BRAT school okay."now His ton was more vivid.
Without any argue I went upstairs and showered

I can't believe this.Im going to school to wherever that is and I'm living my life behind.Tristan,James and Connor too.
Well Father two can play that game.All I need to do is get myself expelled again.

I put my leather jacket on and went down stairs where Morin was waiting.
"I'm sure you are really happy aren't you Morin?"I sad as I looked her in the eyes.
"Look Brad I know you don't like me but you are my..."
"I'm not your may have won the battle but not the war.Getting rid of me won't be that easy."I sad as we shared a few seconds of tension.
"Brad we need to go."my father said as he came out of the study heading towards the porch years.
"See you in 2 weeks."I said as I walked out of the room not taking my eyes off her.

In the car I checked where I was heading and to my surprise America.Yo some school called Hollier arts high school. This is gonna be a piece of cake.
"So your Mother is already there and Natalie will be there too."he said as he looked through the rear view mirror.
"I'm sorry but this is for your own good."he added.I just looked out of the window watching the building pass by and taking in the last memories I spent here with the rest of the squad.
We arrived at the airport late and so I didn't have enough time to hug my sister and mother goodbye.I went through the check point and checked in.This is gonna be a hell of a flight.

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