Chapter 1

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"Those boots with that top? I thought I taught you better than that, Sierra." A voice said behind me. I could hear the smirk in my twin sister's voice before I turned and saw it.

Sabrina was my mirror image. Slim with dark hair, catlike eyes, and full lips. The only difference was the color of our eyes. Hers were green, while mine were two different colors. The left eye was jade green while the right was a bright amber. Oh and she's dead.

I turned around and glared at her translucent form sitting on my bed. She was wearing a white shirt with a tan cardigan, a light colored pair of jeans and no shoes. The same thing she had on when she died.

Sabrina died 2 months ago. The purplish bruises around her throat and the cuts and scars that marred her body evident. That's how it normally goes. I can see the way they died on their forms. If it's visible. I call it a persons Death Sign, DS for short.

I still remember that day. Getting the call that my sister was found dead. She had been missing for a week. She was a part of a slew of kidnappings that was going on at the time. The victims were girls. All high schoolers with dark hair and green eyes. Just like my sister. Just like me. They were all found tortured and choked to death. The kidnapper was never caught.

Soon after that, I started seeing ghosts. I told my parents and of course they freaked out and sent me to a psychiatrist.

"Sab, it's high school, not Paris Fashion Week. Who cares?" I continued to lace up my combat boots.

I looked up at my sister, who had the same exasperated look she would give me when she was alive. As if what I said was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard.

"You can at least put on a little bit of makeup. You know, so you don't look so...," she gestured to her self. "Dead."

I threw a pillow at her, which of course went right through her. "Shut up. That is not funny. Mom still hasn't been herself lately."

"Sorry." She said softly.

Ever since Sab died my mom has been a mess. Each time I look at her it looks as if she's two seconds away from breaking down. Like one wrong word and she's going to crumble. Dad, on the other hand, does what he normally does when he's upset, throw himself into his work. I've barely seen him these past few weeks. I know Sab has noticed too. If I could hear my mom sobbing at night in her room, I know she could too. An awkward silence brewed between us. Sab was the first to break it.

"Seriously. I haven't seen you get dressed up since that douche, David."

David was my shitty ex boyfriend. He cheated on me with my used to be best friend, Jessica. They were dating behind my back for months. I should've seen the signs though. The looks he would give her. The secret phone calls when we're together. The "poor you" look on Jessica's face whenever I talked about the problems David and I were having. That twisted bitch.

"What's the point, Sab?" I turned back to the mirror and pulled my hair into a ponytail. "You were the fashion guru. Not me."

"I know. You're style is a mixture of homeless and why-even-bother." She said as she looked around my room. "Speaking of, you should really redecorate. Maybe paint or something."

"Shit." I said as I looked at the clock. "I'm going to be late."

If I'm late to first period again, I'll get detention for sure. I grabbed my book bag and keys and ran out the room.

"Bye, baby sis," I heard her say as I left the room.

Thankfully the school was down the street so it didn't take long to get there. I pulled into a parking spot and rushed across the parking lot.

Ghostly: The Signed Series Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu