Chapter 3

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At lunch time, Levi was waiting for us at the entrance to the cafeteria as usual. We entered the busy cafeteria and made our way to the line. I picked up my usual: a slice of pepperoni pizza, some pineapples, a chocolate chip cookie and a fruit punch flavored sports drink. Once I grabbed my food, I followed Onyx and Levi to our usual table in the back corner by the window. After we sat down, I updated Levi with what I noticed during gym.

"So, what are you thinking?" Levi asked before taking a bite of his veggie burger. After he finished chewing he asked, "Do you think that David has something to do with the disappearances?"

Onyx snorted. "David may have an ego the size of California, but I doubt he's smart enough to orchestrate the kidnapping, killing and torturing of four high school girls. I just don't see it."

"Onyx is right," I said after I took a sip of my drink. "I doubt David is behind this, but I just find it weird that he's not showing at least some kind of emotion about his girlfriend being missing."

Levi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you guys are right. That is kind of weird." He took another bite of his burger and chewed slowly before adding, "Then again, you can't really go by that either because people deal with things differently. Some people grieve in silence and acting like everything is ok, while others are vocal about their distress."

"There's another thing too," I began as I finished the rest of my pizza. "Am I the only one that finds it odd that we get two new guys just days after the kidnappings start up again?"

"What do you mean?" Onyx asked with her head cocked to the side. She reminded me of a puppy, her light brown eyes lit with confusion.

"I don't know." I said, trying to figure out how to put my jumbled thoughts into words. "It's just my gut is telling me that them showing up just isn't a coincidence. I really don't know how to explain it."

"You can't possibly think that they could have something to do with this do you? I mean the kidnappings started before they showed up. The timeline just doesn't match up." said Levi.

"Right." Onyx agreed. "So that wouldn't make sense."

"You guys are right, the timeline doesn't add up, but why come here? Why now? Like you said in gym, Onyx, who would want to move to a small town like this? Everyone who lives in this town have grown up here. The same families have been here for generations. Not to mention, with Jessica missing, it's obvious that the kidnappings have started again. Them showing up is just weird to me." It's all just too much of a coincidence. The kidnappings start again and all of a sudden two new guys show up. I just know that something is up.

"Okay, so say this isn't a coincidence," Onyx propositioned. "What are they doing here?"

"I have no idea." I admitted.


The rest of my classes went by without a hitch. This time as I walked to my last class, I was alone. Levi and Onyx both had different classes for last period so I was forced to endure the hell that is History alone. It was my worst subject so of course I was dreading it. I was able to make it to the classroom without having to bulldoze my way through the hallway.

I was one of the first ones in the classroom. The way the classroom was set up, there were four groups of tables each one with had five tables in each group. I slid into my normal seat in the group that was towards the back of the room. I took out my notebook and started to doodle in it to past the time while I waited for the rest of the students to take their seats. At least that was my plan before I felt someone's presence approach my desk. I looked up to find a pair of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. They looked almost teal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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