Chapter 2

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I stopped dead in my tracks resulting in groans from the people behind me.

"Hey! You can't just stop in the middle of the walkway like that," a girl growled at me as she went around me.

"Sorry," I muttered to her as I continued walking with Onyx and Levi on my heels.

To Onyx I asked, "Who is it?"

"Jessica. She was reported missing last night after not coming home for three days." Levi said.

"We wanted to tell you when we found out, but..." Onyx trailed off.

My mood soured. Jessica and I obviously weren't on good terms. She may be a backstabbing bitch but even she didn't deserve this.

"Do you think its the same person?" Levi asked.

"It has to be." I said my thoughts racing a mile a minute. "Jessica matches the description of the other girls that were taken perfectly. Dark hair and green eyes. Remember how everyone joked about Jessica being me and Sabrina's long lost triplet. You two were the main ones."

Jessica, Onyx, Levi, my sister and I used to be inseparable. Then with Jessica's betrayal and my sister's death, it just left me, Levi and Onyx. Jessica decided last year that we weren't "cool" enough for her, so she kicked us to the curb and of course David followed. Now she was a cheerleader and acted as if anybody who wasn't on the team was beneath her. I noticed she hasn't been in school making people cry like she usually does but I just thought she was home sick or ditching.

"You don't think it could be a coincidence?" Onyx asked.

I shook my head. "I want to believe that but something is telling me this isn't."

We arrived at our lockers. Levi used his door to block others from lip reading what he said next. "You haven't seen her ghost around yet have you."

Levi and Onyx were the only ones who knew my secret. I told them when I first saw Sabrina's ghost. I was confused and terrified. I didn't believe it was her at first since, just someone playing a cruel trick. After all, I had seen her body laying cold and lifeless in that casket days before. I even held her hand. They were able to cover the scars and bruises for the funeral so she at least looked a little normal, but obviously it didn't transfer over to the other side. Every time I see the scars that marred her ghost, I want to make whoever did it feel every bit of pain and terror that she did when they took her from me.

"No. Not yet." I opened my locker and shoved my English textbook into it and grabbed my gym clothes. "It's not a guarantee that I will either. It's their decision. They decide whether they want to be seen or not. It's like I have one foot into their world and the other foot in the real world. The newer ones sometimes don't realize they're even dead yet." I shoved the clothes into my bag before shutting my locker with more force than needed.

"Come on Onyx, we're going to be late. We'll see you at lunch, Levi." I managed a small smile for his sake. He hated seeing me upset. He's like the older brother I never had.

"Yeah. And Sierra, don't let this get to you okay." He squeezed my shoulder before heading to his class.

Onyx linked arms with me. "Come on, lets go. I'm ready to go sit in gym class and do nothing, as usual."

I laughed as she all but dragged me to the locker room.


Once we got dressed in the god awful gym tracksuits we're required to wear, we walked into the busy gymnasium. Students milled about talking in groups as they waited for Coach Burke. As usual the gym was split by gender, guys on one side and girls on the other. It wasn't a rule. It's just the way it happened. The girls ogling the guys and the guys trying too hard to look good.

"Have you seen the new guys?" Asked a girl that was near me to one of her friends.

"Yeah, I did," replied the friend. "Which one do you think is cuter?"

"Oh definitely Michael, the one with the blue eyes. But there's something about the other one though," the brunette shrugged. "He seems a little-"

"Unapproachable," the friend finished her sentence.

"Exactly. Funny thing, though, is I heard they're twins too and Michael seems like the total opposite from Camron," the brunette girl said as she shook her head. Then her and her friend changed the topic of conversation to homecoming.

Onyx grinned and elbowed me. "Did you hear that? Looks like dark and gloomy has a brother and we can finally put a name to him too. "

I rolled my eyes. "So what? We get two new guys and now everyone is acting like they're superstars. I don't see the big deal."

"Well it's not like we get new people everyday in Greenwood. I mean, we're in the middle of boring old New Mexico for fucks sakes." Onyx said as she examined her, in my opinion, too long black painted fingernails. "Plus, it's kind of like a breath of fresh air considering what's going on. The new kids are a great distraction."

"I guess," I said as the rest of the class finally trickled into the gym.

"Speaking of, looks like we finally get to see the twin," Onyx said as she nodded towards a guy that looked just like Camron.

If Camron was the black and white TV with his dark hair and his one note, all black clothing, then Michael was the new and improved colored TV. Michael had brown hair and chocolate eyes. He was tall and built similarly to his brother. He was walking with my ex David. Michael laughed at something David had said flashing a bright smile. His deep laugh echoed throughout the gym.

Even though Michael was nice to look at, my eyes were on David as he joked around with the rest of his posse. He definitely wasn't acting as if his girlfriend had been missing for a few days.

Coach Burke blew his whistle and signaled for everyone to gather in the center of the gym.

"I hope that despite everything that has been going on lately, everyone was able to at least try to enjoy their winter break." He looked around at the class, but his gaze landed on me a little too long. I squirmed underneath his gaze. "But now, it's time to get back into routine, so with that being said it's time to warm up. Go take three laps around the gym."

There was a collective groan around the gym as we all began our laps. As we ran, I expressed what I noticed to Onyx about the way David was acting.

"Yeah, I noticed that too," Onyx said. "If my girlfriend had been missing, I'd be a mess right now."

"I know right."

"Who knows. Maybe the All American Couple wasn't as perfect and in love as they wanted the whole school to believe."

Ghostly: The Signed Series Where stories live. Discover now