Chapter 2

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*Perri POV*

So I got suspended for slapping a teacher. He told me I was lucky he ain't pressing charges because he knows I'm special. I went off on him because NO ONE disrespects me! Got the nerve to call me "special". Nigga must be tripping. I'm at home playing basketball in the back by myself. I have no sisters or brothers and I'm glad! I've actually gotten better with the help of my old coach. I practice everyday to improve my skills and I would say I'm getting better everyday. Alicia would come out and tell me I'm doing good and Wow she didn't know I was so good at basketball, but there is a lot of things she don't know about me. SPEAKING OF THE DEVIL HERE SHE COME!



Wow she acts so slow. Why else would I be home practicing my skills and school isn't out yet?

Alicia: You need to watch your mouth young lady! Why are you suspended?

Perri: I fought this girl and slapped the principal

Alicia: Why did you fight the girl and slap the principal?

Perri: That girl said something to me and she had no right to speak! And that principal put his hands on me

Alicia: The principal hit you?

Perri: No he tried to pull me off the girl so I slapped him. Geez. Stop asking me all these questions.

Alicia: *shakes head* You fight for stupid reasons! You know what? You're grounded! Go to your room!

Perri: First of all! You ain't my moma so I'm not grounded.

Alicia: I am getting real irritated with your smart mouth young lady

Perri: I am getting really irritated with you steady running your mouth old lady

Alicia: *rolls eyes and walks back in the house*

Haha! Is she Mad or Nah? I put my ball back in my room and left the house. I was walking to the corner store to grab me some hot fries, but I seen that girl I beat up today. She looked at me and started walking over to me. I don't know why she tryna start stuff but hey people don't ever learn. She swung on me and I ducked, then I punched her in the mouth and kicked her in the face. She grabbed my hair and started punching me in the face but I swung around on the ground and kept punching her. She pulled some of my hair out and I banged her head on the ground. I hit her one good time in the jaw and she was knocked out cold. I heard the sirens meaning the cops were coming. I made a run for it. Of course not home though. I ran through an alley and through a park. I hid in somebody trash can. Thank God I was small enough. When I didn't hear the sirens anymore. I ran home and took a shower. Alicia asked me why I was gone and ain't let her know where I was going. I flicked her off and slammed my door. Niggas stay in your business! Im glad I didn't get caught. The police has a record of me so if I get caught again.....I'm going to jail.

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