Thunderclan Kits

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Blackstar went to the nursery to see if his mate Winterheart had her kits.When Blackstar entered the nursery he could hear Winterheart mew something to Raven.Winterheart was curled around her kits.Winterheart seen Blackstar and said "Blackstar look" uncurling herself around her kits.Blackstar could see two kits.One kit was small,white with black paws like Blackstar,and green eyes,the second kit was a bit bigger,pure white,and blue eyes.Blackstar purred in awe while Winterheart was licking the two kits.Blackstar exited the nursery and adressed the clan with a yowl.The cats came out of there dens and stoped grooming to pad over to the highrock.Blackstar mewed "Cats of thunderclan i call upon you to tell you there are two more kits in thunderclan" all the cats yowled there agreement Blackstar waited for the yowls to calm down "Winterheart just had two kits today they will earn their names. The kit with black paws will be named Blackkit and finally the one with pure white fur will be named Frostkit" yowls of approvement rose through the clan.

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