Bloodclan Kits

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Scourge went to the nursery to see his mate have kits. When he entered he heard squilling. He found one kit nuzzled into his mate named Astrid. Astrid was panting 'why is she panting' he thought. He was shocked to see two more kits appear. He purred to Astrid. She gasped when she saw Scourge and hid her kits. He growled knowing she didn't trust him, so he grabbed a kit and it squilled, but it then stopped and looked up. It looked just like him except it had Astrids eyes. He mumbled something then took the kit with him. He dropped it infront of a queen named Aspen.  She nodded and started nursing the kit and licking it's fur. Scourge hopped onto the dumpster and yowled all the cats padded over to the dumpster. "From this moment forward this kit that is a exact replica of me will be known as Wolfkit" cheers yowled through the clan. "Silence" Scourge yowled the clan went silent. "Boulder,Viper get rid of the other two kits""Yes Scourge" they said in unison. The clan heard Astrid scream"Nooooo". The clan stayed silent. Scourge jumped off the dumpster and went to the nursery. Boulder and viper padded out with two kits in their mouth. "Go bury them""Yes sir"they ran off into the forest and started to bury them. Astrid ran out of the nursery snarling at Scourge. "What?""YOU KILLED THEM YOU SEFISH PIECE OF CROWFOOD!"she snarled at Scourge. "I did what I had to"Scourge said softly. "YOU KILLED THEM YOU THINK THAT IS GOOD YOU KILLED YOUR OWN KITS FOR SYARCLANS SAKE!"she yowled. "LOOK,I DID IT FOR US!""NO YOU DIDN'T I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!"she yowled.Scourge had enough. He blowed at her with powerful paws. She stumbled on her back. Scourge unsceathed his claws. He raked them agains't Astrids stomach causing her to start bleeding and gargle on her own blood. Soon after she bleed to death. Boulder and Viper padded into camp. "Take her and bury her"Scourge sighed."Yes sir" they said in unison.

Sorry a bit gory

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