Thunderclan Apprentices

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Frostkit was tingling with excitement. Her and Blackkit were becoming apprentices. "All cats who can hunt for themselfs gather underneath the highrock".Frostkit and Blackkit huried out of the nursey. Winterheart padding behind them. "Today Frostkit and Blackkit will become apprentices".cheers rose everywhere. Blackstar waited for them to become quiet. "Blackkit please step forward". Blackkit took a step forward and sat back down. "Squirrelflight you have been waiting for an apprentice for quite some time now...So do take Blackkit as an apprentice""Yes Blackstar""Good Blackkit from this day forward until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Blackpaw""Blackpaw Blackpaw Blackpaw Blackpaw" the clan cheered. "Silence"Blackstar mewed. The clan grew silent."Brambleclaw you've been waiting for an apprentice to....So will you take Frostkit as your apprentice""Yes sir""Good from this day forward till you get your warrior name you will be known as Frostpaw".The clan cheered"Frostpaw Frostpaw Frostpaw Frostpaw". Blackstar dismissed the clqn and padded torward Winterheart and mewed"There finally out of that nursey""Yes,yes they are".

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