Another Bloodclan Kit?

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Two moons later

Scourge looked at Aspen in concern. Aspen was Scourges new mate. Scourge new what was happening,so he licked Aspens ear reasuringly. Aspen was giving birth to kits. Scourge was shocked to see a exact replication of Wolfkit. So he took the kit and set beside Wolfkit. Scourge jumped on the dumpster. He yowled sending all cats to sit beneath him. "Bloodclan Aspen has given birth too a healthy kit I suggest you try to create kits with your mates as well we need more warriors if we want to win this war"cheers rose threw the clan"Silence"Scourge yowled.The clan went quiet. "I will name this kit Tawnykit"The kit mewed bounding over to Aspen. Scourge jumped off the dumpter and padded toward Wolfkit and nugded Wolfkit toward Aspen. Aspen curled her tail around the kits and she mewed to Scourge "They're beautiful"."I know".

Sorry it was short.

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