Fantastic Review! From the Online Book Club

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Post Number: by » 15 Sep 2017, 08:27

[Following is a volunteer review of "Curve Couture" by H M Irwing.]

4 out of 4 starsReview by Eric77Share This Review
2Janice Williams was the perfect model. She was a show stopping beauty with the perfect body. A blonde with beauty and brains. Everyone adored her. Claire was her manager. She was the fat elder sister. The novel begins with Claire losing her virginity to Collins, Janice's boyfriend. Feeling a sense of betrayal, Claire decides to stop managing her sister. Naturally, she sought for the best agent to replace her. He was Erin Robertson, a former super model who retired at the peak of his career to become an agent. He was Claire's first and greatest crush. The meeting she had set up to propose her offer to hand over the management of her younger sister's blooming career had the first major twist of the story. Erin turned down the offer and instead requested she becomes his client and "partner". Yes, a plus size model and a sex partner. The offer was taken. Her lounge into the world of fashion was tough and smooth. It also marked the beginning of a steamy romance with hottie, Erin. Their steamy romance would be tested by the indecent industry they worked in and her sultry goddess of a sister. Whether it survives is what keeps the reader glued to the pages of the book.

The PDF version of the book I downloaded had a hundred and twenty one pages. I finished reading it in a day. It was a page turner. The steamy love scenes, unexpected twist and turns and the ever increasing urge to find out what happens next kept me glued to the pages of the book. The characters were very real and relatable. They were well developed. Though they sometimes felt like gods and goddesses, I could understand it was from the narrator's point of view. They had their flaws and their stories. Most people would relate to them, at least, in one way.

The story was narrated by Claire. Being a fat girl in the modeling industry, it was a story of her insecurities, struggles, successes and romance. This book tackles a very popular topic in today's world; weight. Claire is your typical fat girl. H. M. Irwing does a great job to bring out the beauty of a curvy girl. I love the way beauty is defined in this book. Though the author appreciates Claire's curves, a toned down Claire is better appreciated. This in a way illustrates the fact that, though fat is beautiful, obesity is a problem.

The book was well written and seems to have been professionally edited. However, I found some few cases of missing words which I'll assume were typing errors. That said, the book was a smooth, quick read.

Overall, I would rate Curve Couture by H. M. Irwing 4 out of 4 stars. I am giving it a perfect rating because it has an interesting storyline and it tackles a cause am very passionate of. I would recommend the book to all lovers of romantic novels. Anyone who has a thing for the weight crisis would also find this book interesting. The book has some very explicit sexual content and would be appropriate for a mature reader.

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