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No. No. Nope. God no. I'd rather not. HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT HE IS ONE HOT PIECE OF ASS! Damn right I'm swiping right on his ass. Ew no. No. Nope. God no.

I was sitting scrolling through tinder and so far had no matches. go figure me for looking like a rat. I got up and threw on some joggers and a baseball tee with some vans and headed out.

Awe this cute little coffee shop looks nice. "Hi sir how can i help you!" This little lady said. I smiled at her. I ended up ordering a coffee and a pastry. And sat at my table on my phone waiting. "Hi here's your coffee and pastry!" The same lady said I smiled at her thanking her. I should make sure to tip her well. As i was preparing my coffee I got a notification.

'You got a match!'

Oh my god yes!! I quickly finished preparing my coffee and took a sip whilst opening my phone to see who I matched with. Holy shit I matched with that one really hot guy!! His names Min Yoongi I think he's from Korea if I remember correctly as his profile said! I went over to my messages to see he already sent me one!!

Min Yoongi: Hey! I see we matched! Its cool knowing someone as attractive as you found me intriguing as well!

I instantly typed back

Ashton Romero: haha yea! Honestly when I matched with you I was surprised I thought you were out of my leaugue!

Min Yoongi: ah I see we had the same mindset then!

We continued talking whilst I finished my pastry and coffee. He's so interesting!! He unfortunately had to go as he was about to meet up with some friends of his.

I walked back home plugging in my headphones listening to some Panic! At The Disco. I love the music no matter what genre it's always so beautiful. I got to my home took off my shoes and laid in my bed. Pulling out my laptop. I posted a picture to Instagram saying to ask questions in the comments and I'd reply to as many as I could.
'Ashton are you single' I laughed replying 'yes'.

'Ashton how old are you!'
'Just turned 18'

'On Snapchat you said you wanted to dye your hair, what color?'

'What's your thoughts on the LGBT community?'
'Well I myself am pansexual, so I am all for supporting LGBT rights.'

'Where do you live'
'In the middle of buttfuck no where'

I stopped answering questions as I had answered quite a few. As I was about to fall asleep I got a message on tinder.

Min Yoongi: Hey hot stuff. What you doin?

Ashton Romero: not much just laying down relaxing what about you?

Min Yoongi: ah I just finished making some music, I'm actually apart of this group of 6 other guys and we dance and sing well 3 of us rap and I am one of them!

Ashton Romero: really?! That's so cool! I can't sing, rap or dance for shit 😂

Min Yoongi: aha well we're actually known as BTS or bangtan have you heard of us? If not you should definitely check us out!

Ashton Romero: I haven't! But don't worry yoongs I'm already on my laptop searching you guys up on YouTube!

Ashton Romero: OH MY GOD WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE FAMOUS?! That's a lot of views yoongs! And you guys are really well known! How did I not know of you guys?!

Min Yoongi: haha well I thought you originally swiped cause you recognized me but after talking to you I realized you didn't 😂. I enjoyed someone talking to me like a regular person. And you not knowing of us I can't explain that one.

Ashton Romero: ohh well yoongs you being famous or not wouldn't change how I act around you at the end of the day you're a regular person who eats, sleeps and shits just like me 😂

Min Yoongi: oh my god 😂 btw here's my number you can text me on there! (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Ashton Romero: ahh okay!

I texted him letting him know it was me and telling him I was gonna sleep for a bit. I'm glad he wasn't mad I didn't know his band. But I'll definitely give them more a good listen when I wake up.

I woke up opened up my laptop listening to their songs and they're so good!! Not gonna lie Yoongi looks really really hot. I couldn't stop staring at him. He's such a good rapper! And dancer!! Before I knew it I was cleaning my house while dancing like an idiot to BTS.

I messaged Yoongi telling him that I loved their music!
'I'm glad you enjoyed it! The boys are too! I told them about you and they really wanna meet you! Is it cool if we meet up today with the boys as well? I know this cool coffee shop where we could all sit in private? We will pick you up!' I laughed and replied
'Yoongs of course we can meet up! And tell the boys I would love to meet them!! Let me change and I'll send you my address when I'm done!'

I jumped up. I want to make a good first impression not only on Yoongs but on the boys! I ran to my clothes looking through my jeans. No. Nope. No. Ugh no. YES. I pulled out my blue faded ripped skinny jeans pulling those on running to my closet. Skimming through them I decided on a white dress shirt that's loose. I love this shirt cause it looks really nice but not too formal. I pulled on my timbs and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and style my hair. After I was happy with my hair I messaged yoongs letting him know I was ready and gave him my address.

I really hope everyone likes me.

Hey guyssss I hope people like this fic I'm working on lmk in the comments!

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