Chapter Two : Hospitalation

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         Bishouji awoke in a naturally lit room. It had a dresser with a mirror on it, a desk with a chair next to it, and a decent sized closet with a couple of hangers. She sat up and walked towards the door. She stopped at the door though, hesitant. 'Where am I exactly?' She thought. The door was cracked slightly as she peered out of the door, taking in her surroundings.

The door swung open as she jumped backwards, clearly startled. An average height man stood before her. "You must be ... Bishouji was it?" He asked. " Y-yes, and you are? " The girl stammered back. " The names Jack Morrison, but just call me Jack. I came to tell you that breakfast is ready. " You nodded as he signalled for you to follow him down a long hallway.

He stopped at the entrance to a large room, with several long tables in it. A big group of people that were scattered in smaller group sat in these tables, eating breakfast. Bishouji gulped, scared, as they all looked up her and Jack. "This is our new recruit, Bishouji. I hope you all welcome her as the newest member of overwatch." Jack announced. He then turned to you and said, quiet enough so no one else could hear, " I wish to see you in my office after break fast. You go through this hallway and take a right at the second fork, understood? " "Understood." She nervously stated.

She turned to walk towards the line for food, everyone's eyes still on her.  'Why won't they stop staring?!? It's freaking me out!!' Bishouji mentally screamed.

The 16 year old sat down alone with her tray of food, quickly eating. As the girl ate, several other overwatch agents walked and introduced themselves as 'Tracer', 'Mei', 'Mercy', and 'Ana'. She introduced herself, as they made her feel more welcome, gladly.

Bishouji finished her food, waved her goodbyes, and then walked to Jacks office. She knocked on his door when she arrived, and the man opened the door, allowing the girl inside.
The two sat in chairs as Jack started. "I brought you here because I needed to explain why We decided to take you in." Bhishouji nodded. " Your ancesters are of great power, and it has been passed down to you. You must train those skills to be able to control them." The girls eyes were wide open in shock at the big news. "W-what? I don't understand!" She muttered in confusion.

Apologies for le cliffhanger, i ran out of ideas xD ill try and post the next chapter by this saturday my dudes!

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