Chapter 4: The Kiss

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It was a brisk autumn day, Bishouji was taking a walk in the park near her apartment building. She wore a brown leather jacket, cacky colored skinny jeans, boots, and a scarf. As the now 18 year old walked through this silent park, she noticed something strange.

Everything was quiet, unlike usual with the laughter of children on the playground and chatter of gossiping parents.

The woman drank a sip of her coffee as she looked around.

Suddenly, her coffee flew in the air and she watched it fall to the ground with an arrow through the middle of it.

She pulled daggers out if her back pockets and looked around with a terrified look on her face.

Bishouji swung around as someone tapped her on the shoulder from behind and put the dagger to their throat. A face of sudden realization dawned on her when she realized it was just Hanzo.

"What the heck Hanzo, I could have killed you! What were you thinking?"

Hanzo laughed as Bishouji picked up her destroyed coffee cup and threw it away.

Hanzo and bishouji had known each other for 2 years, and since they were the same at, had grown close and dated for 1 year. They were quite close.

Hanzo put his arm around bishouji and they continued to walk through the park. "I was thinking before you attacked me, Hanzo." She stated promptly. "What were you thinking about, babe?" "I noticed an absence of ... noise in the park today as I was walking. It seems strange because usually there's kids playing."

"That is weird." Hanzo said jokingly as he began to tickle Bishouji.

They both fell to the ground in laughter.After the two of them calmed down from a tickle session, they looked into each others eyes and kissed.

"Diii-sgusting!" A raspy voice said. The two lovebirds stood upwards onto their feet quicker then a bullet to see who had said that.

A man in a black cloak and black gear stood there. He held two shotguns and was leaning against a tree. Next to the man stood a woman. The woman wore pinkish, bluish, and purplish clothing and half her hair was shaved off, and the that was still there was dyed purple and pink.

Hanzo whistled to try and alarm anybody nearby.

The man in black who went by reaper raised his shotguns at the two of them, and shot. Hanzo pushed her out of the way and ended up on the ground bleeding from his wounds and nearly unconscious. Bishouji went to throw a dagger at Reaper, but noticed that he and and the 'Sombra' lady were gone and all that was left was a note.

Bishouji called OverWatch headquarters on her phone for urgent medical assistance. She stuffed the note in her pocket and looked towards Hanzo.

She placed her hands on his wounds and applied pressure for what felt like forever for her before mercy appeared.

Mercy told the crying female to back up as she used a rod with a yellow beam to heal Hanzo for the time being.

Mercy and Bishouji worked together and put Hanzo onto a bed in a car, and the drove him to OverWatch headquarters.

Sorry this chapter took soooo long to make guys! I've just been REALLY busy with marching band and stuff. Also, Thanks so much for 139 reads!! That is so much more reads then when I checked last time. Thanks again guys, and vote if you liked this chapter my dudes!

Peace out! 🤙🏻🤙🏻

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