
23 1 1

   Quick notes: new characters are introduced this chapter.
This is how to pronunce their names:
Ye-jun: Yeh-joon
Ami: Ah me
Papa: (pretty self explanatory xD )

  Bishouji followed McCree into the room near the front of the building. There you saw, a 20 year old man stood. "Its been so long, oh how I've missed you! And look at how much you've grown, too!"
The guy said, almost yelled, happily.

"Are you my brother?"

"Yes, I am. Now we better get going so you can see Ami and papa! They have missed you so much!" His accent, so you could tell he was still kinda new to the language.

Bishouji nodded, and started to walk but McCree stopped her.

"Actually you can't go quite yet. You have to tell Jack of your departure from the team."

"Oh ... Ok. It'll be quick, right? I wanna see my mum and papa!"

"Yeah it will, just wait here. I'll go get 'im." McCree stated, walking away.

"The names Ye-jun. You may not remember me. I'm your older brother ig you haven't already heard."

"Bishouji, it's nice to meet you Ye-jun."

She heard footsteps coming towards her from down the hallway.

Bishouji suddenly felt a tight hand grip around her arm and another on her mouth.

"Run towards the cities park and don't look back or I'll kill your 'friends'. I'll find you later there, if I don't, You'll be dead when I do!"

The grip then loosened and the girl ran as fast as she could towards a skyline of a city.

'I didn't know there was a city near here.' Bishouji thought as she ran lile lightning towards the city. Suddenly, the femme appeared in the city.
She wobbled a little bit, nearly falling over.

"Woah ... What just happened?"

Bishouji jumped as she heard a voice behind her.

"You just teleported for the first time, Bishouji."

She whipped around to see Ye-Jun.

"Why did you tell me to run here? I had to tell 76 that I'm leaving them!"

"When they came back they said they didn't want you anymore. I don't understand why they would just toss you out ... Like that."

"What do you mean? They would never do that! I felt like even though I've only known them for a couple days, but they accepted me as a member! I had so many friends with them ... " Bishouji's voice mumbled, her eyes tearing up.

"Come on. They may not want you, but I know ami and papa will."

"Hopefully ..." She mumbled sadly.

Ye-Jun grabbed Bishouji's wrist and releported in front of a peaceful log cabin in the woods. The trees were tall and flowers everywhere.

The two walked to a door, Ye-Jun knocking on it. A man opened the door. He looked like he was in his forties to fifties. The mans face lit up aa he rushed towards Bishouji, hugging her.

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