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Mabel's POV

I could practically feel the disgust radiating off of my skin. I just...hate that demon. Ford told me what he did to him, and I'm not very happy about that. Ford said Bill is just using Dipper to get a rift, so that he can bring his weird dimension into ours.

Bill and Dipper were sitting on Dipper's bed, their backs pressed against the walls, their arms closing the almost nonexistent gap between them. Their eyes were trained on a lap top screen, and they each had one head phone in their ears. Probably sharing a set. They kept giggling and laughing. Dipper's blue blanket covered half of their bodies. 

I looked back at my pink phone screen, I'm on instagram. Pacifica, this really cute girl I met my first week here, has it...so I followed her and...now I'm kind of stalking her...? She post really hot selfies and funky memes, stuff like that.

I sighed and shut my phone off, then I cuddled into my emoji pillow. It was the kissy face 😘 one. My pink, fuzzy blanket covered my bare shoulders.

"Wait, WHAT!?" Bill and Dipper say in sync. I whip my head in their direction to see their faces twisted up in surprise and confusion.

"Wha-" I began.

"THEY KISSED, W H Y!?" Bill says.

"I don't ship them though!!!!" Dipper exclaims. 

"What are you guys watching?" I ask.

No answer.

They just stare at the screen, watching intently as the scene they're watching begins to unfold. I just sigh and cuddle up in my blanket.

Staring up at the ceiling, I see mold. And stickers. And the grain in the wood isn't even facing the right way, instead, its sideways.

I look back at Dipper. His cute little freckles adorning his cheeks and nose, and his shoulders. His fluffy hair moving a bit whenever he laughed. His green eyes glowing with jubilant feelings. His black t-shirt had some weird band on it, and I couldn't see his lower half. But I think he's wearing boxers. Bill was wearing blue plaid pants and a large, grey shirt.

Poor Dipper, does he even know if that boy is a demon?

I was about to tell him, when he started crying. And laughing at the same time. Bill was too. They where staring at the screen with tear streaked faces. 

Oh. My. Glob.

Suddenly, the sound indicating that I have a text message exits my pink phone's speaker. I instantly pick it up, it's from Ford.

Ford - Hey, I think I have a plan. Come down.


I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, but not before glaring ice daggers at Bill. He didn't even notice.

I see Ford and Stan at the table, serious looks on there faces. I run in and sit down, my out of shape body out of breath.

"What are they doing right now?" Ford asks me, getting right to the point.

"Watching something on Dipper's laptop while crying and laughing at the same time," I say bluntly.

"Oh...I'm surprised Bill hasn't killed us all yet..." he mumbles, but Stan and I here it.

"Maybe he really has changed?" Stan says, though it sound like a question.

"Pffft! That little fart FAKED our friendship and USED me because e he needed a human to do is dirty work. He's just a stupid little sh- Fart," Ford says, catching his swearword at the end.

"Oh...well I'm going to go watch Baby Fights now," Stan says.

"Good Night, Grunkle Stan!" I say in a cheerful voice, waving my hand. He smiles back at me in his white, stained tangtop. His sleepers making little squeaking sounds as he walked.

"Goodnight, Mabel. See you on the dream boat," he says. And with that, he leaves. The light sound of the TV makes its way tpinto the kitchen. Background noise.

Ford coughs, causing me to look at him again.

"If Bill wants to rule the world, using Dipper has the human to get the rift...then why is he human? Last time he was a Triangle," Ford says, holding his coffee mug with both hands. Gently lifting it and tapping it back down, more background noise.

"I have no clue...I haven't really had an evil encounter with this guy," I say. He nods in understanding,"What's your plan?"

"We...need to separate them," he says while taking a sip,of his warm coffee.

"Yeah! We should start now! Do you have a gun on you?"

"I always have a demon gun on me."

"Okay... Anyway, I think we should have someone get on the roof by the triangle window and aim the gun at Bill. You or me could distract them so they don't see the gun?" I ask. Waiting for his approval of my plan.

"That's...actually a really good plan!" He stands up at the end of his sentance, pushing the wooden chair back. I get up as well.

"Well then, who's going on the roof?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I've got that part all set. You go upstairs and sit on your bed and just, do what you want. Text me when you think I can come in."

"But you need to go on the roof!" I say confused.

"I've got a plan, just go up," he says reassuringly. Without the weight of doubting him in the back of my mind, I walk back up the wooden stairs. Passing the bathroom as I go.

I open the door, making eye contact with Dipper for a spilt second. He looked back at Bill though, a jubilant green in his freckled face. Bill smiled a smile just as big. The way they looked at each other with...so much love...you'd think they were actually in love. But that would be gross, they are both guys! Nasty 😷.

I sit down on my bed and begin to text Ford that he can come up now. He responds with a simple "Okay," and then I shut it back off, leaving it on the charger.

A few moments later, Ford comes in with a small box. 

"Hey, I'm just checking the roof. I heard noises on it and I wanted to check it out. It's got a leak too!" He says. They just nod without looking up, with out knowing one of them was about to have their life taken away. 

Ford opened the window and crawled out. I sighed, all the while staring at the way Bill looked at Dipper, and the way Dipper looked at Bill.

Bill looked at Dipper love and want. Dipper looked at Bill with admiration and a blush on his cheeks. So. Gay.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw Ford poke the gun barrel between the window, it's my turn now. I have to distract them, or at least separate them. We can't have Dipper get shot.

I stood there, frozen in shock. What do I saw?! Oh! I know!

"Dip-," I begin,

"Your plan isn't going to work, Shooting Star," Bill says. Wait, how did he know?!

Now what?!


I am, unfortunately, alive.


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