Magical Fingers

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Dipper's POV

"BILL!!!!" Was the first thing I yelled when I awoke. I didn't see Bill next to me nor did I see anything at all. But, I do feel something. Something soft.

"Yes?!" His voice suddenly pops in front of me, but I can't see his face.

"Are you okay?!" I shout, the pain in my spine sharpening.

"Are you okay?!" He squeaks. He must have seen the look on my face. Wait, he can see but I can't.

I bring my hands up and feel for his face. My fingers touch his...eyebrow. Then I feel his check squish beneath my bony hands. And then I find his lips, my fingers unconsciously playing with them.

" not feeling good at all, and everything is black," I say. I hear him gasp a little. Then, I feel whatever I was lying on dip down next to me. His arms wrap around my waist and he presses my back against his chest.

Aww yis! I've always wanted to know what it felt like to be in a spoon!

"PineTree..." Bill chuckles, but it sounds sad. "You are in so much pain, yet you can still have the cutest thoughts," he sniffs.

"Are you okay, Bill?" My voice cracks when pain suddenly stomps hard on the inside of my temples. I don't cry out like I should, instead, I wait for his answer.

"I am fine, I just don't want  you to die. You are precious to me and I couldn't  live with myself if I had been the one to cause your death. But, you said you can't see anything, right?" He asks, his voice still sad, but a little happier.

"I won't die, Bill. And yeah, I cannot see," I say in pain. 

"You probably can't see because it's dark. I shut the lights off!" He sounds like such a little kid. I bet he's making his weird, kitten face right now.

"Can you turn them on?" I ask.

"No, but I'm sure I can turn you on," he cooes. I feel the the heat in my face start to show more vividly now. I hear him chuckle when I gently punch his arm, or I think it was his arm.

"Please?" I ask imploringly.

"You want me to turn you on?" He asks confused.

"No! You idiot, I want you to get off your lazy ass and turn the light switch on!" I laugh. But my laugh is stopped shot when pain decides to crawl up my spine and through my back, again. This time, it hurts a hell of a lot more than before.

Just as I'm about to scream, the light turns on. I'm on my pajamas. Aka my black sweat pants, and no shirt. I blush as I see I am halft naked. And Bill saw.... and Bill also hugged it.... he must be so grossed out now.

I looked over to see Bill, he had long, fluffy, yellow pants with grey and black kittens on them. They were so long they covered his feet. He is also...shirtless.

When we spooned. We were both shirtless. 

I stare down at my naked stomach on horror at that thought.

What if he dumps me because of how disgustingly skinny I am?!

I can literally feel myself trembling at these thoughts...

Wait! How could he dump me if we aren't even dating?

Suddenly, Pain The Snake bit me hard on the skull. It feels...


Then it suddenly goes away.

"PineTree...." Bill whispers. 

And then it's black.

Bill's POV

PineTree is lying on my bed without a shirt. His legs are wide open and his arms are sprawled out. I resist the urge to fuck him. He is on his back, his hairless chest rising and falling painfully. His breaths are hitched. 

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