This Body

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This body is skinny,

This body is fat.

This body is called soft fruit,

This body is called stick.

But this body feels pain.

My thighs say cat call,

Late night bar trips in mini skirts,

Drinking soda and vodka.

Cigarette scented men.

Compliments, in which no woman wants.

This heart says love,

Says fear.

Feels nothing and something all at the same time.

This heart is rather confused.

This heart beats, 

But some days it worries more than it does beat.

They do not know anything,

This body feels pain.

This body fears unwanted attention.

This body has scars.

This body is damaged.

This body is beautiful,

Never apologize for what you look like,

or who you are.

This body knows self hate.

This body knows disorder.

This body knows that those times are gone and we are living in a better place

This body knows that all those days are behind us

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