I Some How Stole The Night Sky For You

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I wish I could look at you and not see poetry. 

I wish I could see through your fabricated lies and your truths.

I wish could remember parking lot nights,

Where we would sit and stare at the moon and share a cigarette.

The night sky bleeds red for you my love,

It holds secrets for you,

yet you can not see, you are simply blind,

simply insensible.

I stole the night sky for you my love yet you smoke your cigarette in silence.

Today I learned about the distance between the stars and the earth,

Galaxies and planets.

But you are so much further away than that.

You are further away than any star I have seen,

And maybe that is why we have not connected.

I stole the night sky for you,

A short night with an early sunrise and late sunset.

Yet you stand still.

You are the millions of neon blue lights in shades of black and fear.

In shades of unknown.

The moon is as pale as your skin tonight,

Maybe she misses you,

Maybe I did not steal the night sky,

But only stole you from where you belong

This Is All This NowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora