Losing Him

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“How’s college?”

“It’s good, so much work though, you don’t understand Jessie. Just make sure when you start, you stay on top of all your work.”

“You said that last year when I started senior year.”

“I know, and look how useful it proved to be! So that’s why you should always listen to me.”-

Aaron Sherbatksi, aged twenty, currently studying computer design at college, and also my best friend. We’re currently in the middle of a skype call seeing as it’s the start of the new year and Christmas break is over and so he had to go back to college, whilst I got stuck behind in our hometown, the glorious Dayton, Ohio, *sigh* sucks I know, but it’s my final year at high school before I venture off into the big bad world, as my mom likes to always remind me.

My mom is hella protective of me since I’m the youngest of two. I have a twenty-two year old brother, Jason, and he’s already finished college and he’s even moved up to New Jersey with his long-term girlfriend, Becca, and started his new job at a huge pharmaceutical branch. Though, he was pretty sceptical about the move at first since he didn’t want to leave me behind, all on my lonesome, with my crazy mother. Because that’s exactly what she is, she is crazy with a capital C!

Nah, I’m kidding, I adore my mom, I look up to her if I’m honest because I know, even after everything she’s been through her entire life, she’s managed to stay strong. I, on the other hand, would not survive a year with her life. She’s a strong, independent woman who don’t need no man. Not to say I don’t have a dad though, because I do, I could never forget him. As much as I love my mom, I have to say, like every other girl; I am a total daddy’s girl. If I want something: daddy. If I want to be taken somewhere: daddy. Hell, if I need money, or I’ve gotten into some crazy shit, which I get into all the time: daddy! Without my dad, I would be some little nerd girl that only cares about studies, because it’s my dad who lets me do all the shit I’ve done. Forget asking my mom, I mean, if I want something or want to go somewhere, all I have to do is open my mouth and my mom’s already said no without looking at me or even without knowing what I’m going to say, it’s like the word “no” is her favourite word and she just loves saying it 24/7 to piss me off.

Anyway, back to Aaron, he’s been my best friend since I was fifteen, so that’s only three years. Not long, I know, but this isn’t your typical best-friends-since-childhood-split-apart-brought-back-together-and -fall-in-love type of story.

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