Chapter 1: Surprise Visit

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Chapter 1: Surprise Visit

“So, how’s Aaron?” Tanya has been my friend since middle school and all throughout high school. She is the one girl I have managed to stay friends with since middle school, because let’s admit it, girls are bitches and no matter how innocent they are at the age of 10, by the age of 16 they’ve either helped their best friend’s boyfriend cheat on her or they’ve spread some nasty rumour about some girl they don’t like, and if they haven’t.. Then let’s just say we know who’s finally getting laid on their wedding night! And no doubt I am not the latter type of girl I just described, oh god no, but I am also not a cheater! In fact, I hate cheaters, I have this huge raw passion of hatred against cheaters, and don’t automatically assume it’s because I’ve been cheated on, no it’s because deep down, way way deep down, I am a good person, and I am nice and just don’t believe in cheating, I mean if you’re going to cheat on someone, why don’t you break up with them first?! Back to Tanya though, we are like two peas in a pod, we think alike and act alike and dress alike too, she’s basically my sister from another mister, ya feel me?

Oh, did I mention she has the biggest crush on Aaron? ‘”How’s Aaron?”’ are the first words out of her mouth every Monday morning when she sees me. See, she knows Aaron because, well, they actually dated a few years ago, when he and I first became best friends, so even though it wasn’t a serious relationship, when they broke up, they remained friends but Tanya never seemed to get over him, but that never stopped her from getting with another guy, it’s the whole never-forget-your-first-love situation.

“He’s good, he asked about you actually, he was wondering how you were doing since you guys haven’t spoken in a while.” Tanya’s head immediately snapped my way, damn she’s got it bad.

“Really? What did he say? What did he ask? Did he ask if I’ve got a boyfriend? What did you say? I hope you said yes. Oh my god, I wonder if he’s interested. You’re his best friend, find out! What else did he say? Why aren’t you talking you whore?!”

“Woman, if you calm down then I’ll fucking tell you what he said, Jesus!” I slammed my locker shut and turned and faced her. “I was kidding, he didn’t ask about you at all.” I laughed in her face and walked off to my first period through the swarm of Sea Breeze High’s students, and as I did so, I heard Tanya’s frustrated scream and her death threats towards me.

See, the odd thing about Tanya and Aaron is, though they promised to remain friends, I would have thought that they wouldn’t actually talk to each other, and the exact opposite happened. They did as they promised, I mean I know Aaron’s one to keep his promises, but I never thought he’d stay in touch with his ex-girlfriend, even if she happens to be his best friend’s friend. Not only did I find that odd but I hated it, I hated that they kept in touch and they both knew I hated it because, let’s face it, I’m more of a dude than a dudette when it comes to feelings, ergh, and I told them straight up how I felt about it, and they both didn’t care and still kept in touch. Now, I’m not one to tell them what to do, they live their own lives, but still. And don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it because I was madly in love with Aaron, hell no, I only hated it because they were two friends from two different friend groups and yet they went out with me as their mutual, they met because of me, and I don’t know about you but I found it ridiculously awkward when they started dating because whenever Aaron would come over to our table, I’d think oh he needs to tell me something but no, he’d go over to Tanya and sit next to her and talk to her and eat with her and make out with her and then totally ignore me. I’m not jealous, of what they had, I’m mad because Aaron couldn’t tell between having friends and having a girlfriend, he totally pampered her and just straight up ignored his friends. Needless to say, he’s not like that now because he’s sworn off girlfriends and has become a serial womaniser.

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