Chapter 3: Party Drama

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Chapter 3: Party Drama

“You brought me to the mini golf centre.” It wasn’t a question, but Aaron answered anyway.


“Why?” I turned to face him, with my most bored expression.

“Because I thought we could have some fun, just the two of us.” He smiled at me. I smiled too.

“I’d rather eat shit than play mini golf.” I said this through the smile and his face dropped.

“Why don’t you want to play mini golf? It’s fun and we’ll have fun, I promise.” He tried persuading me, but I had already changed my mind the minute his smile was wiped off by my shit comment.

“Okay. Let’s go.” I sighed and he happily went off to the counter and paid for a two person, eleven hole game.


“He took you out on a date.” Tanya and I were discussing Aaron’s visit yesterday in the cafeteria. I know Tanya and Aaron dated so I failed to mention our little rendezvous’ and skipped straight to mini golf game. Safe to safe, I kicked ass at Aaron’s own game and won.

“It was not a date.” I frowned at Tanya. “We’re just friends, it was nothing more than a ‘friend date’ if you like.”

“It was way more than a ‘friend date’ you nutjob. He took you to mini golf, he paid for your ticket and your game, then he treated you to dinner and dropped you home!-“ It was true, after mini golf, which turned out to be loads of fun like Aaron promised, he took me to dinner at Frankie’s and Benny’s, we had our own booth and stole loads of pecks, though pecking is normal for us, it felt different last night, and then when he dropped me home, he walked me to my door and everything, but he didn’t kiss me. It felt like a date, but I know it wasn’t. “-He totally tried pulling the moves on you. I know you’re not telling me something. Don’t think I didn’t see that little peck you gave him yesterday at your locker, and the way you guys hug is way more than ‘just friends’.” She narrowed her eyes at me.

“We always peck each other, it’s our thing, it doesn’t mean we like each other or there’s something going on.” I said defensively. I crossed my arms, not liking how right Tanya sounded.

“Jessie, please. I know a couple when I see one and you two are either in the process of becoming one or you already are and you’re just lying to me. I wouldn’t peg it past you to lie to me, you know.” She half-joked and I shifted uncomfortably, even though we both knew it was true, Tanya’s caught me on more than one occasion where I lied to her, about going out, or even going to a party without her. “Look, if there is something there then you might as well tell me now, maybe I can help you sort it out before you tangle yourself into a huge mess and then come to me for help.” She knew me so well it was uncanny, yet I didn’t budge.

“Honestly, Tanya, there’s nothing. You know I tell you everything to do with Aaron.” Well, almost everything.

“Yeah yeah whatever, listen, when’s Aaron leaving?” She brushed the subject off, knowing I won’t open my mouth.

“Why, want to get into his pants before he goes back to college?” I winked at her and laughed as she scowled.

“No you whore, there’s a party Friday night at, that bimbo, Tessa’s house. Even though she’s a plastic Barbie, you can’t deny her parties are mad. Everyone’s going to be there, you have to come and if Aaron’s still in town, you have to bring him. You guys will be the centre of attention at the party with him there so wear something nice!” Tanya tried to enthuse me about the party, but I frowned.

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