Chapter 3: Fates Rewritten

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Sunlight had broken into the curtains of the latino's room. The alarm clocked beeped for a few moments, and Marco was awake. "Finally, a new day" he whispered to himself as he sat on his bed and sat on his bed. He stayed there for a few minutes and looked at the clock, it was already five in the morning, "I still have an hour to get ready. Better get moving" he said before he stood up and headed to the bathroom to clean himself up.

Ten minutes later, he had finished up and was already dressed. He took a bag and brought with him the things he valued the most, an album full of pictures with him and his parents, a journal that he had kept through high school, a couple of pens, and a belt from his Karate class, then he was ready to go.

He went downstairs to eat breakfast, and talked with his parents about what he expects in his new school. Then, minutes later, the lieutenant was here, Marco's key to a new life. The kid then embraced his parents one last time, before the three of them headed to the door, only to be greeted by Apollo. "Good Morning Mr and Mrs Diaz, so Marco, you ready to go?" the officer asked with a smile. The kid took a deep breath before answering, "Yeah i'm ready". The official nodded with a smile before handing Marco's parents a clipboard and a pen, "Oh, Mr and Mrs Diaz we would just like you to sign here, to ensure that you have approved of our little, agreement here". The two read it for a little bit, and then proceeded to sign the paper and handed it back to the lieutenant. "Don't worry, your son is in good hands" the officer reassured the two as he put his hands on Marco's shoulder and walked with him in the car. Marco looked back at his parents, who he saw was waving him goodbye, he saw his Mother wipe a tear from her eye as his Father comforted his wife. He entered the vehicle, and looked out the window to look at his parents one last time, and then they departed shortly.

Marco heard the lieutenant talking to the driver, possibly his assistant, about him. He heard them saying, "You better have made the right choice here Apollo, Mewni depends on it" and "Of course i have, the king trusts me with my decisions, everything is in good hands". 

Marco was left there totally confused, Mewni? And what king? He had never heard of such things before. He had thought about those words silently in his mind, until the lieutenant asked him suddenly, somewhat startling the kid. "Hey Marco, do you know any, straight roads in here?" the lieutenant asked. The kid looked at where they were before replying back, "Uhh yeah, just take the next left, there" he said while pointing to what part of the road he was referring to. "Well then, you better buckle up" the officer said to Marco, who was totally confused to what was going on, but did so anyways. He then heard Apollo say to the driver, "Set the coordinates to Mewni, get ready for HyperDrive" and with those words, Marco was left there totally dumbfounded. "W-w-wait, what do y-you mean by 'HyperDrive'?" he asked, but got nothing in return. He noticed that they stopped at the intersection he mentioned earlier, then the officer spoke up, "Marco please, i want you to keep an open mind". Much to Marco's dismay about what on Earth was going on, he nodded in response. 

Moments later, they were accelerating rapidly through the road, the kid was hanging on for dear life. "W-what's going on?!" Marco exclaimed, as he saw some sort of electricity coming out of the exterior part of the car the faster they went. Moments later, what was earlier a bunch of buildings and roads outside the kid's window, was now a rapid stream of blue and white light passing through his line of sight. "W-what the where are we?! Who are you guys?! Are you guys Aliens?! A-are you going to do someth-" the kid was in complete fear as he spoke, but was quickly cut off by the lieutenant. "Calm down Marco, were not Aliens. And we are not going to hurt you" he calmly explained. "W-what's going on?" he asked himself as he calmed down, finally demanding an explanation after everything that happened. The lieutenant sighed as he then spoke up, "Marco, i know it would be too much for you to take in, but i'll tell you". He paused for a moment before continuing on, "We are officials of Mewni's Inter-dimensional Defense Program, and I am the Headmaster of the Inter-dimensional Battle Academy" the lieutenant explained while looking at Marco who was carefully listening to the explanation. "W-what?" was all he simply said. 

"Marco, i would consider you lucky, only a few teenagers like you get accepted into the school. I know, It's too much for you, but i can assure you would love it there." the officer then looked back to the front window. "Plus, would you really want to spend your life in that wretched school back at Earth?" was all he needed to say for the child to accept his fate. For a few minutes he stayed silent, before asking again, "what exactly do you teach students there?". "Good question, we teach students there everything they need to know about battles, dimensions, and a little bit of language and math" the lieutenant said, much to the kid's dismay, the math was still present even in other dimensions. 

And one final question came out of the kid and he asked, "can i really, call my parents at anytime I wish?". 

"Of course. It's the only fact i have ever told your parents anyway, sorry about that" the lieutenant chuckled, as Marco simply rolled his eyes, and waited for the travel to end. even though he asked for a fresh start in life, he never expected for the answer to be abducted by 'Aliens'.


After minutes of dimensional travel, Marco broke the silence. "Are we there yet?", "Don't worry, just wait, were almost there" the officer said as he looked at Marco while doing so. And so the latino waited for a few more minutes. And then, a low-pitched beep was heard around the vehicle, and by then the view outside became clearer, signifying the end of their journey. Everything outside looked futuristic, everything was new to the kid, things that he'd never seen before, nor knew it ever existed. Marco spoke up again. "Ok, now can i ask, where are we now?" the latino asked the officer, and finally got the answer he had been longing to know. 

The lieutenant chuckled for a bit, then answered momentarily. "Marco, welcome to Mewni".


*hey guys! So sorry if this chapter sucked, it was somewhat rushed. Anyways, i'll do better in the next chapter. That's all for now guys. 

See ya! :)

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