Chapter 9: A Little Chat

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"So, you're from Earth right?", Star asked Marco as they both carried the girl's books and headed for the elevator to her room.

"Y-yeah, how'd you know?", Marco asked.

"Well, my father, the king of Mewni, got me work at one of his projects, which is here. And it's my job to take care of the student's records. My family is at another dimension right now, so they got Lieutenant Apollo to babysit me for the meantime, which means i'm not doing my job right now" Star chuckled as she explained her situation to the latino.

"Wow, even princesses have to work here. And i thought they always lived the life of a fairy tale".

"W-well, its pretty much different from where you come from, Marco", she said as they both finally reached the elevator and went to the floor of Star's quarters.

"So umm, Star. Can i ask you something?"

Star simply nodded in response. But she felt, uneasy, when she heard what Marco said, but did not mind it.

"So, what other privileges do students get from here? Besides our basic needs that is", he asked as he scratched the backof his head and balanced the heavy books with ease on his other hand.

"Well, many. First is on free days, you get to go into the city near the station. Not Mewni, rather the one on Mewni's moons, which is beside where we are right now. So that the students can, ypu know, enjoy life and not get theirselves trapped in here like, forever you know?", she explained.

"Anything, else?"

"Second, after the end of this years semester, which you guys have seven more of, you get to visit your family back on your place, for at least thirty days that is".

Marco nodded in response with a smile on his face. Knowing he gets to visit his mother and father sometime.

They noticed that the elevator was pretty slow, despite it being on a state of the art kind of school. And as awkward silence filled the air,Marco decided to ask some more.

"Umm, hey, can you tell me anything about the city beside this moon?", the latino asked.

"S-sure. So the neigboring moon is called Lua, and so is the city on it. Since you are new here, you might not know the basics outside here", she paused for a second then continued.

"Our currency are called Credits, Cr for short. The school will also provide, part-time jobs so that the students would actually work for their money, obviously. And so that they can, y'know, hang out outside school on free days whenever they wish".

"Huh, good to know".

"But the pay here, is not actually, the highest. So if you are interested, you may find work on Lua. This place isn't only for military purposes, its also for recreational use too. Its just that, some of the people are, mean, here, if you know what i'm saying", she whispered the last part and finally, they had reached their designated floor.

"All right, well that's good to know. So anyways, Star where do you need these?", the latino said, finally speaking up after staying silent during Star's explanations.

"Oh, my room is just behind that door. You cpuld leave it at one of thr tables in there".

"Sure, but why do you need these kinds of heavy books again?"

"Oh, no reason", she gleefully said. Marco simply chuckled at the response too.

Soon, they opened the huge doors that contained Star's room. And when they got inside, he saw that it was a grand sight, and the word luxurious wasn't enough to describe it. Pink walls, gold furniture, and anything that screamed royalty.

And inside, they were met by the girls that Marco and his friends had seen earlier at the mess hall.

"Hey Star~", they teased her as soon as they saw that she was with another boy, which they found also that he was quite attractive. Star, in response, simply shot them a glare.

"Oh, Marco you could just put them down here", she said as she pointed to her desked, in which the latino did so.

"Would that be all Star?", he asked with a smile, in which Star's friends squealed like a bunch of fangirls.

"Y-yeah, that's all, Marco. T-thanks, for the help", she blushed as dhe tried to finish her sentence, which she somewhat had a hard time in doing so.

"Well, i best be off now. See you later, Star", he said as he waved them goodbye, and went out the door.

Star and her friends simply stood there, unable to form words out of their mouths. They felt weak as soon as Marco entered the room. They had rarely seen a boy like him for so long. Someone handsome, cute, charming, and a real gentleman. Most of the boys they meet are total jerks.

As soon as moments had passed, they suddenly had regained their conscience and broke the silence.

"W-who was that?", one of them asked.

"I'll introduce you to him l-later, for now, let's just go and, uhh, Halley, your nose is bleeding", she pointed and her friend ran to the nearest bathroom, in which they all bursted into laughter.
Marco then went down using the elevator and made his way back to his division.

He opened the door to their room and was suuddenly greeted by the squad.

"Hey Marco, where have you been?", Kato asked as he removed his beret that was covering his face, as he was sleeping earlier.

"Oh nowhere, just, explored around a bit", he replied.

"Ha, Yeah right!", Thatch intervened as he elbowed Marco on the shoulder, and Marco pushed off.

"Ye were likelie hittin' on them lassies", Scotty added.

"Yeah, you were out for quite a bit after we went ahead of the others. You sure you only headed to the library?", Linc asked.

"Y-yeah, definitely sure", he said as he nervously chuckled.

"Huh..", Charlie simply said.

"Well, anyways classes start tomorrow, ya see? So we better rest ahead", Finn added.

"Finny's right, but c'mon it's only two in the afternoon", Roy spoke up.

"I agree with you guys. We hit the hay at 7, all right?",  Thatch said.

"Huzzah!", and the group chanted together.

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