How To Survive Part 2

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With Ruben and Jack

See this is how you get money!!-Jack (dancing)

This is also another way to get money-Ruth (painting)

Look over there!-random person

What are they doing?-another random person

Let's see who can get the most-Jack (holds hand out)

Deal!-Ruth (shakes hand)

Alright everyone!! We are having a competition to see who can get the most money so feel free to throw your money at us!!-Jack


With author and co-author

Ready go!-Angela

Get ready to lose!-Buttercup

Are you sure your not saying that to yourself-Wolf

How did we get to be judges in a cooking competition?-me


Well I'm not complaining more food for me!!-me

Few minutes later

There done-Angela

So (rubs hands together) who goes first!-me


What did you make?-Angela


You won!-me


I won?-Wolf


Cause she made spaghetti! I love spaghetti!!!-me

Eat it first before announcing the winner-Angela

Okay okay-me (eats spaghetti)

(Nods and writes on paper)-Angela

(Eating all the spaghetti)-me is it?-Wolf

(Holds thumb up)-me


I made lasagna-Buttercup

Is today my lucky day! (Holds fork and knife) you guys love me so much you bless me with pasta foods!-me (eating lasagna)

(Nods and writes on paper)-Angela

(Eating all the lasagna)-me

Okay we are done judging so (takes the plate away from me) take the food back (whispers) save the food for me-Angela

Hey!! Don't listen to her! Save it for me!!!-me

Okay time to judge!-Angela

The winner....-me


God damn the suspense!-Wolf and buttercup

Actually we don't have a winner, they were both good so....-Angela

You both win!!!!-me

Clearly mine was better!-Buttercup

You wish your was better!-Wolf

Let's just watch Hakuouki movies-Angela (turns to me)

Yeah good idea (takes the food with me)-me

Give me some!-Angela

No!!! My pasta!!!!!!-me (runs to the living room)

With Ruben and Jack

You look tired...ready to give up!-Ruth

I'm not the least bit tired!-Jack

Go jack!!!!-fangirls

You hear that! My fangirls are cheering for me to win and that's what I'm going to do-Jack

Go Ruth!!!!-fangirls

That's where your wrong! My fangirls are cheering for me to win!-Ruth

What are you guys doing?-me

And why is there random girls holding up signs that have your name on it?-Wolf

What are you guys doing?-Ruth

Getting food, what else-me

We were just having a competition to see who can get the most money-Jack

That doesn't explain the girls with the signs-Angela

And why are you sweating...-Angelo

Well I was dancing, and those girls are our fangirls-Jack

You guys have fangirls...-me

Yeah-Ruth (smirks)

(Looking at wolf)-me

(Looks at me)-Wolf


Why you laughing?-Jack

You guys actually have fangirls! Haha-me

This is hilarious!!-Wolf

(Laughs) let's go....I want to watch Hakuouki movies already!-Angela (pulls Angelo to the store)

Good luck with your suppose fangirls (laughs)-Angelo

Wait up! Oh and...(takes money from Ruth pile) thanks for the money! See you at home!-me (walks next to Angela)

Haha! I have the most money now!!-Jack

Thanks for the money jack! (Takes all the money from jack pile) see you guys!-Wolf

Who's laughing now!-Ruth


Yes?-Ruth and Jack

Who were they!!! (Points at me and Wolf)-fangirls


Run!!!-Ruth (runs with jack)

Come back!!!-fangirls

No! I don't want to die yet!!!-Jack

I still have things to do!!-Ruth

Like what!-Jack

That's not your business!!-Ruth

You dirty pervert!!-Jack

Who you calling a dirty pervert you hentai!-Ruth

Okay just focus on running cause they are catching up to us!-Jack

Leave us alone!!!!-Ruth

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