Chapter Two

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I opened the door I was looking for Alex I don't know where he disappeared to after school, I had to talk to him about something really serious but I couldn't seem to find where he was but as I opened the door to his bathroom, I felt like my heart stop and dropped to my stomach

Blood everywhere........ Bathtub.... Him...... I stared at his lifeless body I stepped closer, shocked I didn't know what to do or say and my whole body felt numb, I could only feel the tears roll down my cheek but I couldn't utter a word.

I stared at his face then I held him crying wishing he would come back

Alex.... Alex.... Please... Come back!! Don't do this to me!! Why?! Just why would you do this!! I cried and held him tighter not wanting to let go...........

I saw a letter in his hand I couldn't make out what was written on the paper because my eyes were filled with tears.....

I lOVE YOU ALEX!!! ALEX??? ALEXANDER JHON MILLER I thought you loved me........ I cried and cried till I couldn't breathe

Alex..... Oh... Alex..... You don't know how much I love you..... I whispered crying and held his pale face Alex!!!!!!!!! I screamed

"Ariya!! Ariya wake up!" I felt someone shake me I opened my eyes to see Caleb, Oscar, step mother and father looking at me in worry I hugged my father

"Alex..... Dad.. Alex..... *sobs* I can't live without Alex...... And April why? Just?!..... why did they both have to die? Why?" I said crying my father hugged me and I felt my tears rolled down onto his shirt

Max came and sat in front of me and my step mother hugged me from the side, Caleb and Oscar were standing near the door looking really worried, after few minutes of silence and everyone just staring at me made me uncomfortable so I decided to break the uncomfortable silence

"I'm fine now, I want to be alone" I said bluntly and stared at my hand Max, Caleb and Oscar hesitated but left while dad and mom stayed behind

"I want to sleep mum and dad " I said looking down and trying my best not to start crying again

"You are not okay Ariya!! Look at you?! This is called okay???? What is wrong with you! I've tried many times to let you take appointments with Rose at the clinic but you don't listen why?" Father was almost yelling at this point, I know my father is only worried and I can't blame him for that he tried to make me sit with my stepmother at the clinic and talk about everything and to get treated but that I couldn't do it despite me loving my stepmother

She put her hand on dads to calm him down but she agrees with his anger and so do I

"Honey it not her fault don't yell at her! You should probably go back to sleep in our room I'll sleep with Ariya here to give her company" stepmother said and dad sighed loudly but nodded understanding. He closed the door behind him

"Wanna cuddle?" She asked and I gladly agreed we both cuddled without saying anything, she did circles on my hand that calmed me down and I eventually found sleep.

When I woke up I realized that holidays had already began and saw that mum was still asleep I turned to my right where there was a window the sun was shining bright even through the curtains

I sighed and got up and open the door to my room, I could only hear silence and that made me feel cold inside but as I walked downstairs I heard A small giggle and are little boys roaring sound I smiled and walked towards the sound

I was walking when someone called my name I turned to look at Max he has a worried expression " are you okay Ariya? "

" I'm fine don't worry Max" i said  Bluntly and continued walking ahead

"Ariya you don't seem fine!! why is it that you don't want to talk about anything? as though nothing happened? what is wrong with you?! I'm just trying to talk! can't we do that at least?" He said angrily I stopped walking and turned to face him

"look max! I am tired of thinking about this all the time!!  my friends are dead my mom left to me when I was small!! And you think this is easy for me to talk about? The more I try to run away from this! the more it comes back! despite everything i'm just going on... so please stop reminding me of this, all the time! because I'm not ready to talk about it! and when the time is right I will talk about it, but now isn't the time" I said almost crying I looked away and saw Gorge, canon, Caleb and Oscar they all looked at me but canon looked at me with a smile, Gorge with a curious expression while Caleb and Oscar had the same look as Max, I felt like groaning but Canon ran to hug me

"Good morning Munchkin" I said smiling as I carried my 4 year old step-bro

"Gooth murnin " he replied while giggling "you hungry little guy?" I asked and he nodded I turned to look at Gorge "you too?" I asked and he gave a small nod I took his hand and took both of them to the kitchen I made both of them sit on the Kitchen counter while they both played with my phone I made tea and pancakes

"How rude darling! You won't invite your boyfriend for breakfast?" I turned to see Oscar smirking "well your most welcome Love" I replied with a smirk
He smiled and kissed my forehead then sat on the chair and started chatting on his phone.

Not long after Max and Caleb came in the kitchen and started eating the pancakes I had baked so Oscar and the rest ate silently and I decided to go to my room and take my phone as I was leaving the kitchen

"Ariya You don't want to eat?" Asked Oscar

"I'm not so hungry" I said and walked out before he or the others would say something and as I was on the stairs I heard an argument that was clearly heard from my parents room

"I don't think it's the right time!" Said my step mother

"But i can't do anything! She's turning eighteen soon and it's an order!" My father said clearly helpless

"Please.... I don't thinks she is ready yet!! You saw how she was last night and she's clearly not over him!! She still hasn't gotten over the death of Alex!" I felt my heart drop to my stomach at the last thing she said

I was curious as to what they were saying and I had to find out! I knocked my parents room door "come in!" I heard my father say harshly

I entered the the both looked at me with sympathy "mum, dad is everything alright?" I asked slowly

"Ariya there's something I want to talk about" my father said slowly I looked at my mother and she didn't look happy
But before he could say anything Max shouted my fathers name making us all startled.

Mum and dad went down immediately and I was curious but went to my room as I sat on my bed and sighed I opens the drawer and saw the letter it was crumpled up and slowly open it felt my tears fall on my cheeks as I open the letter up

This letter was Alex's last words till today I didn't have the heart to read it so I quickly shoved it in the drawer and closed it as I cried silently.

I wiped my tears as I went towards the bathroom and washed my face I pulled my sleeve up and saw all the cuts that I had on my hand and if somehow anyone would find out about this I would be in deep trouble

My phone beeped indicating that I received a message I picked up and saw it was from unknown

"Meet up @ 1:30 very important and urgent!! -DH" I sighed and knew who it was

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