Chapter Three: Salvatores and Hunters

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i jumped out of the window that faces behind the house so i knew no one would know where i went, which is basically my rooms window, i landed safely after the jump

now you must wondering how did i just jump out from the second floor or maybe not because its easy and faster.

As i walk i should probably tell you the story behind this.... after my best friend and also my not alive boyfriend died thee days later i was kidnapped by the Hunters, now the hunters are an agency of assassins who are with the government and i am one of them. I have been training for the past three years and never been on a field but ill be there soon since my training is coming to an end.

now that's not it, there's also the salvatore's, they are basically a group of ex-Agents who are doing bad work against us like killing innocents, rape, drug dealing e.t.c, but the worst thing is that they were one of us so they know how we work and we get our informations and our connections to the outer world, especially those agents who have a normal lives yet they work for us secretly and basically everything, our ins and outs which puts a threat to all of us which means they might eliminate all of us, and that puts the agency on the edge so we had to change everything location, identities, security, you name it!

As i passed the beautiful view of the city i quickly went to the most disgusting place and trust me i hate it but this is where it is, where the agency is, for security reasons i had to look around and everywhere to see if someone followed me here but i saw nothing and i sighed in relief, i walked towards the rusty old building i climbed up the the stairs and stared at the wall, i looked around then walked towards it so i put my card in the small crack which was visible from up close and the wall opened up and i smirked and i entered, as i did the door shut behind me then i put my card in a place where it looked like a basket a light flashed for a full body verification after the light flashed green the lift went down i thought about how my life looked so boring and depressing from outside and inside i had an exciting life as an agent.

as it opened and i came out straight to see my bestie i smirked and walked towards him "so what's all this about?" i asked as we walked towards Mr.Huners office "well good morning to you too" he said with a sarcastic smile and i rolled my eyes then he replied "well if you wouldn't know how would i?" he asked

"maybe because you were here before me and maybe because your body posture is different and maybe because i sense that you already know something, and oh! everyone around me seems more tense than usual?" i said with a smirk "well you truly are something" he said with a little smile "you do know that's the reason why i'm the best Agent here" i said proudly "yes, that's why i'm pared up with you because i'm the best agent as well as i'm the best computer hacker " he said proudly and i smirk then roll my eyes

after walking for a while when we finally we reached the door of Mr. Hunter one of the guards knocked the door and after hearing a small enter only I and connor entered we heard a voice full of power and authority "sit" he said we both quickly sat

" well agent 563( me) and 523( connor) i have an assignment for both of you" i looked so confused but before i could say something "but we have never been on field before" said connor "i know that, and let me finish before you speak" he said cutting connor off "yes sir!" "well there's something we need your help with, by we i mean the agency, some of our agents were found dead last night on their mission, and we want one of the best trained agents to go and finish this mission, and we thought of you two, you are the best here and now the world and the agency needs you" " but what about our examination?" i asked "you can take this mission to be your exam and will probably get your marks after this mission comes to an end... if you are alive" "you're joking" cannor said with a laugh after a while of staring at each other "oh goodness you aren't joking" said connor

"so what's the mission?" i asked and Mr.Hunter smirked he put a laptop in front of me and connor he played a video of a woman kidnapping the ministers daughter but that was not what my focus was on , i was focusing on the woman she looked so fimilar as if i knew her then in my my mind it clicked that was my sister!! and my eyes widened and behind them was a man wearing a mask but i saw a tatto on his ring finger in which he held a gun i had no idea who that man was after sometime five man walked in with large guns then they fought around but the guy wasn't alone there were five other man with them in which three were killed and three survived, the five guys were our agents and the other six were with my sister but three died but as the fight continued four of our agents were killed because seven other men came to attack them only one of our agents survived which seemed like i knew him but i don't know how really.

"so what's the plan?" i asked with a stern voice " i already sent a fake email to your parents that the court wants to see how you will live with your mother for a while in malibu and then they will decide which one your parents will get your full authority but you will be living with your commander and help track everything about your sister and report everything to agent 523 and he will report to us and the rest will be reported to you two by your commander, now you may leave to get training then you will get your next command later on" as we stood up to leave here was something i wanted to ask "when do we leave?" "tomorrow afternoon" i nodded and we walked out

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