Chapter Four: The Truth About His Death

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as we walked out of Mr.Hunters office "i can't believe it! we are finnnally going in action" he said excitedly and dramatically and i just laughed at him "yeah!" i said giggling then we walked towards our locker rooms

the males and  females rooms were separate after changing into black tight top and tight black jeans with my hair in a ponytail with black heals and black gloves that didn't cover my fingers , trust me it took me a lot of practice before i could walk in heals let alone fight in them but i taught myself how to fight in them, i came out to see connor looking hot in tight black top and jeans, connor mostly always took every girls attention wherever he went but he was always with me and that made every girl jealous of me but i wasn't that hot.

"checking me out?" asked connor and i smirked "in your dreams babe" i said and walked past him and started with the training and made sure my reflexes were as fast as lightning and cunning as a fox and held power like a lion would when it hunts its prey and all those who fought with me groaned in pain as they lay on the ground

i smirked then out of no where someone attacked me from behind and i made sure to fight and as hard as i could but she was faster after all shes my teacher and knows my moves

then i decided to fight the moves that were taught to me by connor and happened to win then held hand out to my teacher

looked around to see everyone smiling and clapping and i smiled bright and ran to hug connor

he carried me high and i giggled at him, he had a huge smile on his face  then put me down "who am i kidding you look so hot when you fight"  and i laughed as i hit his arm lightly as we took a rest and had some coffee and enjoyed the silence "can i ask you something if you don't mind" "sure go ahead connor"

 "after you came into our agency and we became best friends and whenever i used to mention Alexander Jhon Miller you would always cry and be upset but then later on you stopped crying about him, you would just be angry,  i know you had investigated about him and you did find something now, i don't know anything but you can only tell me if you want to"

"you're a computer hacker connor and there's a whole file about him so why not hack and find about it instead of asking me? not that i mind telling you i'm just curious "i asked

"well this is something personal but i just waned to know from you and not just hack in to find out" 

 i sighed "he's not dead connor" i said bluntly

his eyes were widen with shock " wait.. what?!' "how? wha? i'm so confused" he said

 " well when i first found him in the bathroom he wasn't dead after the shock i was in my instincts kicked in  and i checked his heart pulse, it was faint but wasn't dead as we took him to the hospital after two hours is when the doctors had announced that he was dead but he wasn't , he basically faked his death and the doctors were involved with him,they had shown us his face but as though he wasn't alive  because we were all in shock we didn't realize he was breathing and i had practically fainted when i woke up i was supposed to get ready  for the funeral and when i saw the coffin i was so upset and i wanted to say  my final goodbye but as i had opened the coffin there wasn't anyone in there it was empty but i didn't tell anyone, after his burial i was so confused and thought that maybe he was alive and then the next day i was kidnapped and brought here then after two weeks i took  advantage of being here and did an investigation" connor didn't say anything but heard quietly 

"but that wan't the only thing i found out, April wasn't actually April, her real name  was  Hannah McCarthy she was one of our Agents but just as a spy and bodyguard ,apparently she was assigned to protect me and she fell in love with Alex and dated him for a while then she started  noticing stuff about him then one night  he took her  out and on the way she told him that she knew who he was and told him who she was but then without wanting to know anything or listen to anything he killed her then he managed to make it seem like they had been in a car crash then later on he found out that she was pregnant with their child and he broke completely and blamed himself every moment that's why he seemed so miserable after her death"

"wow, he was such an asshole"connor said

he took my hand in his and played with the ring in my finger and i smiled at him as we both were lost in our thoughts as he played with the ring I looked around to see everyone excited for their new mission

I just didn't understand why it was so exciting for all we knew we could never return alive

that kind of made me freak out soon enough Connor  realized that I was panicking

he quickly made me look at him and held my hand tight " don't worry I'm here with you nothing's going to happen we'll be alright"

I smiled to hide as worry creeped in me
"I hope so"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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