Royal Wedding

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I actually had a good idea for a full on story for this but it didn't work out so here because it's been in my drafts too damn long.


Uma gave Gil a playful smirk as she did a come-hither motion with her hand. Gil shook his head returning the smile before charging full force at Uma. Their swords clashed each one trying to think ahead of the opponent.

"That all you got Gil?" she taunted. "I know damn well I taught you better than this."

The son of Gaston smirk before swiping his foot at Uma's ankles causing her to fall on her back. The rest of the crew gasped thinking for the first time Gil might have a chance. Gil lunged down towards her but Uma was quick with her block.

"Nice try." She kicked Gil making him stumble back far enough for her to get up. The two were back at it blocking and striking back and forth.

"Hey Gil is that a new shipment of eggs on the dock?" The blonde turned his head with no hesitation allowing Uma to seize his sword and point both directly at him. "Really Gil."

He sighed frowned. "Uma that's not fair you know I'm hungry." He pouted.

She laughed and shook her head returning his sword. "Never lose your focus." She patted his back. "You did great today though." she leaned close to his ear. "Come by the shop tonight I'll sneak you some extra food." Uma whispered with a wink.

'Thank you.' He mouthed before joining the rest of the crew in training.

"Uma darling," Harry popped walked on the ship a grin on his face. The smallest hint of a smile appeared on Uma's lips. If there was anything she loved more the sea, it was how Harry Hook would say her name and how darling usually followed after.

"Talk to me," she nodded putting her sword away.

He fixed the hat on her head so it wasn't at such a slant. "I was passin' by yer mum's shoppe, she wants you in." The teal haired girl rolled her eyes.

"When does she not." she sighed. "Walk me there?"

He nodded as he lead the way. "Hook's there, told me to meet him." The two walked what Uma liked to call 'the long way' to her mother's shop. Her ship is five minutes away from Ursula's restaurant but if she went around town, those five minutes turned to ten.

Harry gave a mischievous grin before grabbing Uma and dragging her into the nearest empty alley. "C'mere." he panted before planting their lips together.

Uma laughed through the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. She loved their secretive kisses. Harry always kissed her like it was their last. Like it was his need, a hunger. It was passionate and needy but she wouldn't have it any other way.

She was the one to break the kiss first and wiped away any traces of her lipgloss from his lips. "We have to go." she pouted. "We're already taking the long way and I don't wanna know what it's like to have both of our parents angry in the same room."

Harry rolled his eyes before leaving to peck her lips once more. "Fine." he mumbled.

The continued their walk Harry grabbing her hand every now and then when people weren't looking. When they reached the infamous shoppe they were both shocked to find it was completely empty with the exception of their parents.

"The hell?" Harry whispered before slowly approaching the two.

"Come children sit." Ursula grinned. It was actually genuine which scared the shit out of Uma. "Oh Harry, I haven't seen you in ages! Such a handsome young man you are now." She wrapped a tentacle under his chin and repeatedly kissed his cheek.

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