The Letter

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Hey y'all! So this was actually an excerpt from Love & War where Harry wrote a letter to Uma while she's in prison, but it didn't make the cut because I went with a different direction with Harry and Uma's characters. It's also based on one of my all-time favorite songs, Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap. Enjoy babas!!


Uma swept the grounds of her mother's solemnly. She stared longingly at the at now dusty piano in the corner. It's been two months since King Ben let every child off the Isle and into Auradon, well everyone but her. It was a cruel and sick plan that she could only imagine Mal had something to do with it. She's fought her whole life to get her and everyone she cared for off the Isle and now look at her, the only child left on this disaster of an Island.

A rough looking goblin wobbled into the shoppe and Uma sighed heavily. She wasn't in the mood to throw anyone out, it's not like she could anyway, she was the laughing stock of the Isle, no one took her seriously.

"We're closed." she huffed with a roll of her eyes.

"You got a letter kid." the green-skinned grunted.

Uma furrowed her eyebrows and took the envelope from the creature. It had oil stains and was crumpled on one corner but the shine of the envelope itself indicated it was from one place, Auradon.

She started to rip it open eagerly and stopped as she realized the goblin was still there. "What?" she snapped at him.

"What I don't get some pond scum?" He shrugged incredulously.

"We're closed! Now get out!" she hissed.

She watched the goblin walk away and locked the door. Was this her chance finally? Did Ben plan on ending this cruel punishment?

She took a deep breath before continuing to open it. She gasped as it wasn't from Ben but from Harry. Tears started to well up as her heart ached, longing for her first mate. If there was anyone she missed the most, it was Harry.

She took a seat on the floor of the shoppe and began to read the letter.


I never knew how much I needed you until I came to this stupid place without you. Forgive me at the tone of this letter but again, I'm in bed at this stupid school and once again can't seem to sleep. I keep thinking of you but when do I not think of you? I don't even know if you're ever going to see this, I don't even know if I'm ever going to see you again, but I wrote down some of my favorite memories with you, when you get this, if you get this, I hope they make you smile like they did for me.

A moment of love:

When I first saw you I knew that love existed. Who knew a scrawny six year old could know such a feeling at that age. But there I was, digging through the trash outside your mother's shoppe hoping to find something to eat and you saw me, your hair was in two little buns, and you looked at me with this confused expression like you couldn't understand what I was doing.

'If you want some trash, just come inside.' You spoke nonchalantly.

'I don't have any money.' I responded timidly.

You cocked your head to the side trying to figure out my accent and when it hit you, you took my hand and lead me inside. I followed you as willingly as I do now and you pointed to a seat in the corner and told me to wait. I obeyed, curious as to what was about to unfold. You came back with a plate of slop and a couple of fries and made it explicitly clear that I could only have two of the fries because they were your favorite. You watched me eat, and I didn't show it, but I saw you slip two more fries my way. When I finished eating you asked my name and kept laughing at my pronunciation.

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