Part 2: The Concert

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The spotlights danced off and around the audience as the pyrotechnics started and then the band walked on in full costume. The audience's screams filled the arena.

Sasha smiled and walked up to the mic. "Gooood Evening Reiten!! Are you ready?" The crowd replied as one, "YEES!!!" They cried. Prospero replied by starting up into a song. "WHAT?", Sasha shouted, "READY!", Shouted the crowd once again Sasha screamed into the mic, "I can't F-CKING HEAR YOU!"

The crowd was without a shadow of a doubt whipped up into a frenzy. "REEAADDDY!!" Came the howl Sasha nodded and began to sing. All the time she was scanning the audience looking for the perfect one. She continued to play dissatisfied with the results of her search until she saw him, a skinny boy on her right, he looked to be 15/16, the perfect age. She decided to get him up on stage.

"Now I need one of you to come up and play bass.", she saw countless hands go up including this boy's.

She put her bass down and went over to him "How about you mate what's your name hmm?" He stammered slightly looking very cute, " na.ame's Jace.", he replied, "Exccellent name come on up." While she pulled him up his hood fell back revealing a tangled shock of dirty blonde hair.

A strange thought came to her then, something a mother would have, "with a little wash and shampoo, that hair would be a lovely baby blonde."
She quickly pulled herself together again and helped put the bass on.

Even though he could of probably done it himself he just looked so small and fragile she just felt the need to help him. "Alright what song do you wanna do?", his answer was quick: " Nightly Dawn.", he said. "Alright.", she replied and started to sing. She was honestly impressed by the skill with which he played maybe she could invite him for some lessons. A mommy had to know everything abou her baby right?

She continued singing the song and Eli started to go into the so-called concert riff, which was way more complicated. Could he keep up she wondered.

Jace was having the time of his life, he was on stage, playing his favourite song and playing it with his favourite band. The last riff was definetely tougher but he just about managed it. Finally the outro. This was truly greatest time of his life.

As the song ended Sasha unscrewed her necklace, her signatur necklace and put it on Jace. She took her guitar back and he was subsumed back into the crowd.

9:47 PM

The performance ended and Sasha and the rest of the band returned to the dressing room. Seeing her chance Sasha asked the security guards to and find the boy with her necklace on. She started talking to Eli about her plans for Jace.

"He's so cute and with a bit of a wash he'll make such a cute little baby.", she said. "Oh yeah.", replied Eli, "Can't wait to seehim with a paci in his cute little mouth."

Right then the security came in dragging Jace between them. Sasha was horrified by the way they were dragging him. He was clearly on the verge of a panic attack. At that moment her maternal instincts kicked in. "No! Not that like that!" She said and took Jace from them and sat down, still holding him on the sofa. She hugged him, "Hey, hey, hey, hey shhhhh, it's alright okay?", she said calming him down. "I'm so sorry about that Jace are you alright?" Jace nodded briefly.

"Sorry what I wanted to ask you was would you like to take lessons with me. Free of charge. I mean you're a really good bassist, you were able to keep up with Jade and Eli." Jace looked flabbergasted  "You really mean it?", he said, sounding quite cute. "Of course I mean it Sweetheart.", said Sasha. "How about I come and pick you up? Where do you live?"

Despite Sasha being a stranger, he felt the need to tell her. "Hindcliff street 54d. It's in the Orchard district."

Sasha frowned, the Orchard was well known as being a very, very rougha area, no place for her baby to live.

She put a smile back on her face. "Sure I'll be there aroumd 9:40 okay?" Jace smiled, "Sure, thanks for helping me." Sasha winked "No problem at all." Jace then left feeling warm despite the harsh cold outside.

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