Part 3: The Apartment

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Jace woke up in the middle of the night after 4 hours of measly sleep. It was nothing he wasn't used to, it had after all been the same since he was 7 and had been sent to the orphanage, Brighthill was the name or as most of the former residents referred to it , "Shitehill".

It was the nightmares. The same ones since the beginning, the various quacks and therapists had always assured him that they would fade over time. They were never right, the nightmares got worse.

He walked into his kitchen and got breakfast, a packet of Mini Cheddars as he couldn't really afford much else. He sat on the old ratty armchair in the corner of the one room flat and started writing one of his poems, they were his coping strategy.

In the darkness of my mind
There is a nightmare of every kind
I toss and turn in my sleep
As Morpheus comes to reap

As he wrote the words some of his despair flowed from him. He was exhausted, he truly didn't know how much longer he could keep going, he hardly had enough money to pay his rent, and then also there was food and other worries as well, how long he could keep his job and where to go if he lost it.

As he started to write and sketch the buzzer rang. Not knowing what to do he raced downstairs, opened the door and there stood.... "Sasha", Jace managed to stutter, "Sorry I'd completely forgotten about you were coming. Uhh would you uhh like to come upstairs."

Sasha smiled, Jace was so cute when he was nervous. "Sure thing.", she said and followed Jace up the seven flights of stairs up to his flat. She looked around the small one bedroom  area, it looked dirty and ratty.

Jace cleared off the one seat for her. Sasha sat down. :Sorry I don't  have anything nice for you to sit down on. I just don't have enough money to afford stuff."

"It's fine.", said Sasha, "I've seen worse. So you know why I'm here right?", she asked looking Jace in the eyes. He nodded, "Yeah you were gonna take me to your house and give  me some lessons."

"So...", said Sasha "Do you want to come with me? My car's downstairs, parked on the pavement." Jace faltered for a second, not entirely sure what to do "Y..yes sure of course sorry." Jace stammerwd. He followed Sasha down through the grubby apartment complex and out onto the street where a silver Bentley Continental GT was parked, it was the nicest car he'd ever seen! " that your car, it's really cool.", Jace said. "Thanks honey, I like that you like it." Sasha replied, wearing that particular smile that parents wear when their toddlers say something cute and silly, but Jace wasn't paying attention to that, he was so overwhelmed he'd started to gently slip into his little boy headspace, he'd only done so a very few times, mainly due to his environment. Sasha unlocked the car and then gently took Jace by the hand and led him into the backseat, Jace was sort of stuck inbetween his two mental states and this made him spacey. He allowed Sasha to buckle him in and eventually as Sasha got in and drove off, the rocking of the car sent him off into a deep sleep.

To be continued

I don't know when the next update for The Queen's Prince will be I think I'll spend this week focusing on this story.

~Hetep the Brit~

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