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Anti was someone that was special in Dark's life. He would have given anything to be with him. Dark could remember the good times he had with Anti, the smiles, the laughter, even the tears. He sat down at the table looking over the photos on it.

He could hear Anti screaming in the other room, placing the photos down he stood. His footsteps seemed heavy as he walked into the room where his now ex-lover was hanging by chains from the ceiling.

"What do you want?" his eyes met with Anti's scared lost eyes, "Baby please, let me down let's talk about this." Anti sounded pitiful, maybe he should have thought about this before he slept with their friend Wilford.

"Was he worth it baby?" Dark went to a table picking up a knife, " WAS HE?" Pressing the knife against Anti's neck he could easily end it right there, and never have to hear the man speak again.

The sounds of them together filled his head as Anti cried for forgiveness, " Baby please, I shouldn't have, I didn't mean it" His voice strained from screaming, thank god we didn't have neighbors.

Dark couldn't stand his begging anymore, he stuck the knife into Anti's neck. The bubbling sound of Anti choking on his own blood made Dark chuckle.

"I hate you." He said as he walked out the room to wash the blood off of himself.

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