Chapter 2

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Waterpaw was done with the elders bedding and was justly heading out to hunt when she heard a rustle. She bristled when she picked up the scents of strange cats. She let out a bowl and lunged forward only to be knocked down on the cold ground. "What do you think your doing kit?" The Tom growled and clawed the earth. "Stop!" The light brown she cat howled. The blue Tom stopped and stared at the she cat. "Just then Snakestar, Lilywhisker, Icepaw, Tigerfang, and Mosspaw padded out. "What in the name of StarClan is going on!" Snakestar growled. "This she cat tried to attack my mate!" The blue-furred Tom growled. "Snakestar," a soft voice mellowed, "Let me see her I smell milk." Doveflight weaved around the patrol with Ragepaw on her tail she sniffed the blue tabby she cat. "May I bring her to the nursery?" Doveflight asked. "Of course," Snakestar meowed turning back to the Tom, "You may stay here as long as you like." "Thank you," Waterpaw was ordered to make them a nest while the others went hunting. "You must be tired," the light brown she cat meowed. "Yeah I guess," Waterpaw muttered. "My name's tawny what's yours?" She pressed. "Waterpaw," she meowed. The two she cats worked in silent for the rest of the time it took to make the nest. Waterpaw felt as though her paws were falling off. As she curled up to sleep she heard a faint scraping noise. She was curious what it was then she stiffened with terror as she realized it was Fox scent. "Fox!" She screeched and lunged forward and raked her claws on its muzzle. It helped and tried to snap at her. Then Tawny was at her side hissing at the Fox and clawing its pelt. The blue Tom joined in as well spitting at the Fox its shoulders. The Fox bit down catching Waterpaw.on the tail. She screeched and bit the Fox's ear and RIPPED IT RIGHT OFF. The Fox yelped and fled yowling. Waterpaw felt very dizzy and the world began to sway and then faded to black.


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