Chapter 13 the end

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Watermist knew she had to do something but what? She just couldn't leave. For 2 reasons. The clan needs her and she is expecting kits. Thorntooth's kits. They were due any day now. She was about to go out for a walk when a sudden great pain gripped her. "Doveflight, Ragewater my kits...there coming!" Watermist gasped. Instantly Ragewater was there doveflight lagging behind. Ragewater put herbs in front of her muzzle, "eat these." He ordered. Watermist gulped them down quickly. She gasped as doveflight meowed, "here comes the first one." Ragewater bent down to and lapped at a small shape, "is it ok?" Watermist asked. "Its a Tom, and he is fine." Doveflight answered. Watermist gave birth to two more Tom's and a she kit which was last. Thorntooth squeezed in, "are they ok?" He asked. "Yes," Watermist purred. "Why don't we name the gray Tom, Crowkit, the brown tabby Tom, flashkit, the golden Tom, goldkit, and the silver she cat mistykit?" Watermist meowed. "Yes those are perfect." Thorntooth breathed.

Kits- Crowkit- dark gray Tom

Flashkit- dark brown tabby Tom

Goldkit- gold Tom

Mistykit- silver she cat

Moons have passed since she had her kits and she had met with the others. They were leaving tonight.

Next book is still to come be on the look out:3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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