Chapter 3

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    "Kaia Rebecca Caverly! If you don't get up this instance, I will..." A loud voice shouted into her ear.

   Kaia winced and rolled over to the other side. She was having such a good dream. Her mother shook her shoulder again.

  "C'mon sis, we're going to be late." Her brother hollered from the doorway.

  Kaia grumbled. Her mother sighed and flicked the lights on. To say that she woke up was an understatement; Kaia gasped and jumped out of bed. She looked around for the switch only to find her mother standing in front of the switch. She looked angry as ever. 

  "Get dressed and come downstairs quickly!" her mother said in a huff. Then, she spun around and left.

  Her brother, who was standing just outside the doorway, raised his eyebrows at Kaia. 

   "Wow, she's more angry than usual." he commented as Kaia put her sheets back in place. 

   "Gee, I hadn't noticed." she said, sarcastically.

  "Just pointing out the facts, great job by the way." he said, smirking. "You've even made her forget about Sadie."

   Kaia groaned, then smiled mischievously. "Well, not for long." She said, heading towards the door. 

  She had changed quickly during the time when she had put the book back after waking up abruptly. After that though, she didn't sleep that well, too worried about her dad. 

  Her brother blocked her way. "Don't you dare." he hissed, a bit teasingly. Then he noticed her mood change and his grin faded. He was thinking about their father too. "Hey, it's going to be okay, you know that, right?" he asked.

  She hesitated then nodded. She knew better than to say no when her brother used that tone. It meant that he'd continue to pester her until she said yes. Then, she walked past him and ran downstairs. You know, the thing with the pit isn't just the fact that you were bullied or excluded for your whole life. For Kaia, it had to do with depression and the fact that she thought that no one truly understood her. But she didn't want to think about it and ruin her good humor today. She wanted to make this day count as if it could be her father's last day. 

 When her brother finished getting dressed, they headed to school. Their school, Kacey High School was located a good 10-minute walk from home. On their way there, Kaia's friend Stella would join them. Kaia sighed. They were almost at Stella's house. Then, suddenly...

 "BOO!!" A girlish voice shouted from behind them. Both Kaia and Arken jumped in surprise. The person behind them burst out laughing. 

  "Stella?" Kaia asked, recognizing the familiar figure. 

  "Kaia! How ya doing, girl?" Stella reached over to hug her. 

  "Okay, I guess," Kaia said, trying to smile. She felt a reassuring pat on the shoulder and turned to see Arken looking at her with concern. 

  But Stella noticed her forced smile. Her grin faltered. "Are you sure you're alright?" she asked.

 "Yeah, I'm fine," Kaia said, shrugging her shoulders and brushing off her brother's hand. She didn't need the sympathy, oh well, at least she thought she didn't.

  Stella studied her for a moment and then the grin was back full force. 

 "Guess what happened yesterday? You know, Richard or whatever his name was..." she started. Kaia and Arken exchanged a glance. "...the guy who bullied you last year? Well, somebody pulled a prank on him." Stella said, clarifying it. 

  Serves him right. Kaia thought. So yeah, maybe a little bullying had to do with why she had been in the pit. But what was in the past stayed in the past, right? There was no need to bring it up.

  Arken burst out laughing. "Who did it?" He asked, once he had caught his breath.

"Who do you think?" 

And with that, she skipped up ahead of them, leaving the two Caverly siblings in wonder of what she had done.

School was normally great, Kaia and her friends(including Arken and his friends) had their own sort-of squad and although it wasn't that popular, all of them were real friends that stayed with her. But today was different. As soon as Kaia, Stella and Arken walked through the main doors, everyone turned to stare at her.

That's the girl. I heard her dad is in the hospital. Poor girl. I hope it isn't contagious. Some sort of cancer, I think. No, it was ebola. Dude, just leave her alone. She probably needs some time alone. She was just pretending. That's her brother beside her. Heard he didn't know. Poor him. Words swirled around the room, whispers curling and muddling her brain. What she hated more than bullies were the rumors, and the sympathetic gazes. They didn't even understand anything. Today, half of the talk was about her, and the other half was about Rod. Well, at least they weren't completely talking about her. She saw her friend's face lit up with pride and looked for Rod's locker.

It was covered in sparkles and hot pink. She giggled, before covering her mouth to avoid the stares. It was just all so ridiculous. Then, she heard someone behind her.

"Hey squirt!" Rod was walking up towards them.

A/N: Hey all! I had to cut this chapter short, or else it would go on call this Chapter 3 part 1. Sorry this came so late. I'll try to post one every 3-4 days or so. Hope you enjoy this! -See you later, Wiseheart12

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