Chapter 4

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  Kaia felt like she was on the edge of a precipice. On the outside, to an every other person, it may not seem like much, but once your heart started breaking, there was nothing that could ever fix it. You can soothe it with music, even one happy moment, but it all keeps coming back. She remembered the last time she felt like this and then clenched her fists.  First her dad, now Arken...everyone was leaving her. 

  She stared up at the ceiling, before clenching her fists. She needed to do something to get her mind onto something, or else she'd lose it. She got up, put her jacket on and headed out. It was a cool afternoon, a chill breeze fluttering by. The sun was settled behind the clouds but even with that blocking it, the very sliver of sun ray felt warm. She had called the hospital, just moments before, but had been told that her father was sleeping and to call back later. So, she decided to go visit her grandfather. Maybe he'd have a word of advice for her. After all, he'd lost his wife, Kaia's grandmother. 

  She trudged up the path, her hands in her pockets, and her mind scattered. The path there was quite familiar to her, for she had been using this path since she discovered it 5 years ago. It seemed a shortcut to the longer route. And a short-cut it was. 5 minutes later, her grandfather's cottage was in her line of sight. 

 It was a simple wood cabin, with the symbolic stack of wood beside the door and smoke coming from the chimney. There were also some modern improvements such as the porch with the lawn chair and the awning above the door. The only thing that didn't fit in was the ornate door, which Kaia had persuaded him to change for security reasons. She knocked on it and waited. Her grandfather opened it, looking as if he had not slept very well lately. 

 "Kaia! You've heard about your father, I suppose?" he asked. 

She nodded. Noticing her glance inside, he beckoned her in. She set her jacket down on the mantel and sat down on the couch.

"So, why have you come?" Her grandfather asked once he'd settled comfortably.

"I was wondering if you had some advice..." Kaia asked, biting her lip. While her grandfather seemed comfortably settled in, she was the opposite. She shivered.

"Uhh, I guess...yeah." She stuttered. He was acting so dramatic, the next thing she'd expect him to do was to tell her the world was over. But he didn't. 

 His very next few words were, "Have you heard about the Miracle Tree?"

 Kaia blinked. "You mean, that fairy tale story you used to tell us about?"

"The very same."

Kaia looked confused. How was it going to help? Her grandfather must have seen the look on her face for he said, "Just wait and listen..." 

And so she waited for him to tell the tale she hadn't heard in so long. 


  By the time he'd finished, she was awestruck. It really was as if she was listening to soothing music. All calm and peaceful.

 Suddenly, her phone rang. Kaia shook off her daze and went to answer it.

 "Kaia, darling?" It was her mom.

"Yes, mom..."

"Come quick... your father." 

 At these last words, Kaia's blood boiled. Her father had he... No, he couldn't have. But he might have... she could feel her heartbeat pounding and her skin turning pale....

 "Kaia?" Her mother still hadn't hung up. 

"I'm coming." She whispered before hanging up. She leaned back for a second and sighed before getting up from the couch. Her grandfather was still on the chair, where he'd been sleeping after telling his tale. Slowly, she got up, taking the blanket from the back of an armchair. She draped it over him and took her coat from where she'd left it. Then, she opened the door and stepped out into the cold.

A/N: Hey all! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I decided to post a video above, lyrics to a song called Fix a Heart by Demi Lovato because it was one of my inspirations in writing this chapter. It is an amazing song! See you later, Wiseheart12

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