Chapter 7: Kaia

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    Kaia looked down. She was standing in her bare feet on soft, velvety grass. Looking ahead of her, in the distance, there was a range of mountains. A dense, scary looking forest was blocking her direct path to the mountains. She turned to look behind her, noticing that she wasn't leaning against anything. There lay a steep cliff and at the edge of it..."Dad?"

  "Dad!" Kaia yelled. "Step back! It's dangerous." 

  The figure turned swiftly. It was her dad, Charles Caverly. He waved and gestured for her to come closer. She did, knees buckling. Her dad wouldn't, would he? She needed him, her brother and her mother needed him. 

   When she was close enough to hear, he started speaking. "Kaia! Go to Rod!" he yelled.

  She was confused. Why did he want her to go to Rod, out of all people? He knew what had happened to her last year, so her father, out of all people would not want her to get involved with Rod. She started to complain but then thought better of it. Her father was about to jump and she knew it. "Why?" she asked, the one-word echoing in the air. The word swirled in the wind, slowly dwindling to nothing.

  Her father stiffened and he turned back to look over the edge of the cliff. The air was starting to get foggy, and Kaia's stomach was filled with butterflies. She wanted to stop him, but there was a force holding her back. Finally, he turned back. 

 "Kaia, I know I should explain more an-" he was cut off by a strong gust of wind that came barreling down upon them. When it finally cleared, and Kaia found her father,  she found him looking pained. "I don't have much time...but trust me, go to Rod, he can explain everything." 

  Kaia was looking at him, her mind reeling and her heart pounding. "Dad-" she started saying, then another burst of wind blew away her words. When the wind calmed down, she was crying out, "Dad, I love you." 

   "I love you too." Her father whispered, before turning back towards the cliff edge. Kaia collapsed, crying as she watched him take a couple of deep breaths. "Stay strong." He whispered to her before he finally jumped.

  The scene in front of her dissolved immediately. Kaia gasped and opened her eyes. She was still crying. It was all just a dream... but how did it feel so real? She blinked back the tears and looked at her alarm clock. 3:52 am. Trembling, she flipped herself over and tried to sleep. She couldn't of course. If it was true...then how long would it take for the nurses to notice? A few hours? A few minutes?


     Turns out it was a matter of 4 hrs. Apparently, all of the nurses had gone home, and there were no doctors on site to deal with the predicament. They had only found out when the nurse had come back to check on him. They pronounced him dead at the scene. Dead at the scene. Kaia trembled, putting her head in her hands. 

   She felt shell-shocked and alone, quite frankly. Her dad had been with her through everything, even in her worst moments. Whatever decision she made in life, he had been beside her. Her mother had been cautious, more skeptical one. But that wasn't all that was troubling her. She was still confused on how he had appeared in her dreams. It wasn't physically possible, unless... she shook her head, clearing her thoughts. No. It wasn't possible. It was probably some conversation she had with him that she had forgotten. She thought. Now that she thought of it, it seemed to make less and less sense. 

  "Kaia, darling?" Her mother poked her head through Kaia's now open door. Her face was similarly puffy, her mascara ruined by the now-dried tears. She had been crying for her late husband. "Are you ready for school?" 

  Ah right. School. Early this morning, Kaia and Arken had decided that the best way to feel like they were moving on was to continue their daily routine. That had unfortunately meant going to school. Kaia's stomach felt again filled with butterflies. She had heard what people had said yesterday, what were they going to say today? And how was would the news spread?                         

  Putting her worries aside, she nodded, gently getting up to quickly get ready. After hearing what happened to her father, Stella had offered to walk with her to school. Arken was riding with some of his friends. 

  When the doorbell rang, Kaia was ready. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and calmly headed out, wishing her mother goodbye. 

A/N: Hey all! I am so sorry for not updating sooner... I had an incredibly busy week, plus I was sick for a day or two. Also, if you have any questions or things you like me to clarify, just comment here----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

This story will be converted into private soon.

Thanks for reading! 


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