Chapter #2: The Kid With the Knife

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That night, after a dinner of veggie stew and corn on the cob, I was giving myself a tour of the house. Grandma and Grandpa were in the living room watching some old black and white soap opera on whatever wacky tv channels they got here.

I showed myself the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room, my grandparents room, and the attic. After I'd had enough, I went back to my room and sat on my bed with the old mattress and iron frame. It squeaked when I sat down on it.

The walls of my bedroom were a light blue color, the floors were wooden, like the rest of the house. There was a window on the wall opposite my bed that faced out towards the cornfield, so there wasn't much of a view.

I sighed and layed down onto my pillow, staring up at the ceiling. There was nothing to do since I'd already finished unpacking. Slowly, the gentle breeze and heat caused me to drift off.

Awhile later I awoke, to what I'm not sure. But as I sat up and looked around my dark room I heard a small rustling noise, hopefully just the corn blowing in the wind.


The sound of a floorboard to my left made me jump and gasp sharply. Was someone in here?

"Grandma Joan?" I spoke.


Another step closer to me.

"Grandpa Tom?" I squeaked, getting nervous.

No response still. If it wasn't them, then....who?

That was when a faint silhouette came into view, a tall slim figure. I watched as they just stood there, seeming to stare at me.

"W-Who are you?" I whimpered.

The silhouetted figure took something from it's pocket then, and moved it into the faint ray of the moonlight from the window. The object glinted when the light hit it.

My breathing caught violently in my throat.

It was a knife....

The shadowed person moved towards me then, raising the large knife above their head.


The person tackled me onto my bed as I screamed out. I tried struggling and calling for help but both were to no avail. The shadow raised the knife and plunged it into my chest as I shrieked.

"AAAAAAAH!!!!" I screeched as I bolted upright from my bed, breathing hard. Sucking in gulps of air, I looked around the room frantically for the silhouetted figure. Nothing.

It had been only a dream....


My bedroom door slammed against the wall and my grandparents came rushing in with faces of pure worry and fear. They came running up to my bed and both let out sighs of relief when they saw me.

"Oh thank god you're alright!" Grandma Joan breathed.

"Why did you scream sweetheart? Is everything ok? What's wrong?" Grandpa Tom asked.

"I just had an awful nightmare. Some.....person, was in my room and they had a knife! And they pinned me to the bed and stabbed me!" I exclaimed, reliving the dream in my head as I did. My grandparents shared a weary look as I told them as well.

"Why....That's just awful dear!" Grandma Joan gasped.

"But you're never going to have to worry about that happening here...!" Grandpa Tom blurted suddenly.

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