4: Claiming Gets Legit

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Elijah's POV

The crackling of the fire reminded me of my game nights with Dad, the glowing rays of light burning through the darkness of the night. We would always have hot chocolate and Tim Tams while we played Risk, our favourite game. He wasn't around much, so I spent every moment I could with him. The crickets and cicadas noises echoed through the bush. The fire changed colour and size, from small and yellow when we were all sitting silently, to big and red when everyone was singing. Aidan seemed to be distracted. I couldn't stop thinking about my Dad. Would I see him again? What would he think? After the singing stopped, a dark haired boy with brown eyes came up to Aidan and I.

'Hey there', he said. 'I'm Josh. I'm from the Hermes cabin.'

'Are you undecided?' Lij asked Josh. Josh smiled.

'Nah, I got claimed two nights ago with a guy named Jamie. Son of Dionysus. We arrived that day.'

'Where's Jamie?' Aidan asked Josh. Josh looked just past my shoulder, looking for him.

'Over there,' Josh said while pointing. 'The kid with the black short hair.' We turned our heads in perfect synchronisation towards him.

'He's got a sword!' I pointed out. 'Do I get one?' Josh looked back towards me, and slightly lifted his shirt to show the hilt of a glowing sword, half silver half bronze.

'Everyone gets the weapon they want at capture the flag,' Josh answered, noticing the eagerness in Aidan's dark eyes. I would not want to cross an angry Aidan with a sword.

'You get to keep it after that. Anyway, I gotta go. I'll see you in the Hermes cabin tonight. Unless you get claimed soon.' Josh walked over to Jamie and started talking. I observed everyone around me at the fire. There was this one kid who had everyone talking to him. He had one arm around a blonde curly haired girl. He seemed to have a lot of social power, like a really popular kid at school. His sea green eyes made contact with mine. I felt like just finding a lake and diving in, never leaving. He whispered something in the girls ear, then started to walk over towards Aidan and I. For some reason, I felt like he was important. I felt like if I said something wrong, I would never fit in.

'Hi there!' He said to me. 'I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.'

I looked at Percy. His black hair looked messy, but it fit his look. Something's not right. Aidan stopped my train of thought.

'My name's Aidan,' he said. Then it ticked.

'My name's Elijah. We watched a video today though, and it said that Poseidon isn't allowed to have demigod children.' He stopped and smiled.

'Yeah... it didn't stop him.' His smile instantly turned into an expression I couldn't read.

'Um, Lij?' I looked at Aidan, and almost fell off my chair.

'You've got a red glowing helmet above your head!' I exclaimed in shock. Aidan kept trying to look above his head, very unsuccessfully.

'Well,' Aidan yelled, 'You've got an owl above your head!' I'm now the one looking dumb, trying to see above my head. It's now that I noticed everyone is staring at us. Chiron gallops (hehe) over towards us. He looks at us, then turns around to face the crowd of demigods.

'Elijah Morton, son of Athena and Aidan Borgas, son of Ares.'

'Well then I won't be in the Hermes cabin tonight, Josh.' I state, louder than I had planned. Everyone laughs at me, which I didn't mind.

'Kaelan will though,' Aidan whispers into my ear. 'He's still in the infirmary.' Until now, I had completely forgot about Kaelan. He must still be unconscious.

'Let me take you to your cabins,' Chiron tells us. He turned to the crowd. 'Bonfire's over everyone. Back to your cabins. And no making noise after lights out or the harpies will eat you!' We turned and went on our way to our cabins, heading towards the Ares cabin first. I was so exited, I felt like my spleen was about to pop out.

'Aidan! I'm actually a son of Athena!' I noticed he didn't have a smile on his face. His pale face made him look like a statue.

'Aidan?' He looked up at me, the sorrow showing on his face.

'Aren't you happy? I mean, we have powers! Life is exciting now!' It didn't seem to help.

'I'm not unhappy, I'm just... I'm thinking. What about my older sister? Is she a demigod? Does my mum know? Does she care?' I really didn't know what to say. I have often wondered if my dad cares.

'Why don't we just give it a shot,' I proposed. 'It might be fun. We might make friends.' We arrived at the cabins. Chiron walked us up to a cabin that has shields hung over the door, and barbed wire tipped the fences. Not the sort of cabin you'd want to prank.

'See you tomorrow,' I said, as he walked into the cabin and disappeared into a new home, and a new life.

'So, Elijah,' Chiron asked me, in his deep voice. 'What do you think of this?' I thought about it, which made my brain hurt. I still couldn't believe it. I was just waiting to wake up from a dream.

'I'm ready to give it a red hot go,' I concluded. Ready for a new life.

'That's the spirit. Anyway, hears your cabin. The people in here are nice. They'll look out for you. Aidan wasn't so lucky.' I laughed, and walked into my cabin, finally content with myself.

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