9: Activities

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Kaelan POV

Breakfast was the best. I had chocolate chip waffles with berries and maple syrup, a sweet luxury that I have not tasted in a long time. Sadly, I didn't get to sit next to Aidan or Lij, because we are forced to sit in our cabin groups. As the sun rose, its light reflected onto the clouds, creating a pinkish colour. I've never got to see a sunrise, so for me it was just breathtaking. For once I felt content with who I am, not just the ADHD kid who's obsessed with archery. I finally fit in. While were waiting to be dismissed after breakfast, Josh and I start talking.

'So, any of the Aphrodite girls look good to you?' He asks me, as his dark eyes flicker across the table of fashionable kids. I shrug, not sure what to say.

'Nah, not really.' I began, but my voice falters as I see one girl, who stands out from the rest. 'Except for maybe that one over there with the brown hair.' I say while pointing to the one at the head of the table. She turns to face one of her cabin mates and her brown hair flicks in the air.

'Oh,' Josh says while obviously holding back a smirk. 'That's Piper. Good luck with her.' I raise my eyebrows at the vague statement.

'Why's that?' I ask. Josh half laughs at me.

'Well, she's dating a hot shot from the Zeus cabin.' I look down, kind of disappointed at this piece of news. I decide to just joke around and forget about it.

'Really? Dang! All the good ones are taken!' He laughs with with me.

'Exactly,' He states, as he wipes a tear from his eye.

Here I am, standing in front of a flaming death wall. Fire pours out of holes in the wall, and lava pours from some holes as well. I sure hope they have good doctors here, cause I'm pretty sure that I'm going to need one. Elijah starts to count the ways you could die.

'There's falling in the lava, getting blasted by the fire, falling from a large height-'

'Okay then. Just don't do any of those things.' I begin up the wall, leaping from platform to platform, with amazing footing. Then the fire starts to pour out of the holes starts.

'Ouch!' I yell, as the first flame licks at my leg. I lose my grip from the pain and fall straight off the wall, bouncing on a slightly padded beam along the way. If I had've made it any higher, it might have done some bad damage. Lij looks down on me, with an expression that states, "I could've done better."

'You know, I've noticed a pattern in the order that the beams and platforms go in and out. If you time it right, it shouldn't be that hard.' I groan at the nerd, that is now my friend. My ADHD was in my head telling me, "Punch the freak!" But I didn't.

'Okay then smarty pants. Why don't you try it?' Elijah shrugs.

'I guess I can.' He struts up to the base of the wall and begins to climb. He has very good hand-eye coordination, and jumps from beam to beam and climbs from hook to hook, all while managing to dodge the fire and lava. He's at the top within a few minutes.

'Man!' He yells down at me, and I can only just see the smirk on his face. 'That was easy! Hey, how's the weather down there?' He turns around, taking in the view. I walk over to a bench where an Apollo cabin member is sitting, and borrow his bow and quiver. Inside is three blunt arrows. Without hesitation, I knock one of the arrows and pull back. The arrow leaps with speed straight towards Elijah, and by some miracle, hits him on the left foot. The force of the arrow causes his foot to slip on the metal, that is still wet from when the last fires were put out. This causes him to fall off the platform. He falls down the wall, crashing into two beams, both causing loud cracks and getting slightly burnt by the fire.

He makes a quiet grunt as he lands side first on the floor. I look into his pained eyes and decide that before he falls unconscious, I should talk some smack.

'Don't mess with bad-asses like me.' I state, then he faints, some other kids help bring him to the infirmary.

A few hours later, once Elijah has healed all his bones, we decide to go do sword training for our last activity. For this one, Aidan joins us. Aidan, Lij and I are standing, waiting for Aidan's head councillor to give us some instructions. I guess she was chosen to help us out for today.

'Listen up scrubs!' She yells at us, with a malicious and bloodthirsty tone to her voice. She glares at Aidan. 'Well well well, if it isn't mister big shot? Thought you could beat me at Risk? Pathetic. I reckon even the Dionysus cabin could beat you. While drunk!' Aidan scowls. I feel sorry for him that he has to live with this girl.

'Try me.' He walks over to the weapon rack, picks up a sword and swings. Their swords clang as the girl parries his strike. She feints an overhead strike, but jabs him in the gut with the her hilt. He stumbles, and is knocked down by her, with another hilt strike, this time for the head. Elijah reaches for a sword and a shield. I pick up a bow and knock an arrow, blunt enough to not pierce the skin, but still wicked painful.

'Ah, I see. Y'all wanna play.' She runs at Lij, who blocks with his shield, but is hit by the second strike. A slice to the right arm. He groans, as blood starts to trickle down his bruised arm He still wasn't one hundred percent after the incident on the climbing wall. I shoot the girl in the leg. She grunts and looks up at me, her eyes like daggers, cutting fear into me.

'You don't mess with Clarisse PUNK!' She yells. Lij looks up, and I can tell he's got something witty to say.

'You like talking in the third person huh?' He grunts after saying this, and looks at his bleeding arm again. 'That's incorrect English.' Clarisse scowls for probably the third time in two minutes

'You just ordered a death sentence freak.' She lunges again, recklessly swinging her sword. I shoot her in the back of the head before she destroys Lij. This time, I can clearly see the pain she's in. Her yelp was loud. The glare she gives me is worse though.

'I'm gonna... I'm gonna... uh...' Clarisse sways twice, then collapses on the hard ground, unconscious. Lij laughs, but regrets it after.

'Man. We're such punks. We should be ashamed.' I smirk, and lightly grab hold of his arm, inspecting the wound.

'She got her just desserts. Sadly, I think we made an enemy for Capture the Flag tonight.' Aidan's face drops

'Oh crap. You better hope that you are on the same team as us, or you guys are dead.'

The campfire is bigger tonight. Everyone is buzzing with excitement. I notice people looking at Elijah, Aidan and I, some snickering. Word spreads fast. Chiron walked up to the front of the crowd.

'Everyone. I would like to make a statement about what happened this morning.' The crowd suddenly fell silent, and you could hear the loud ringing of the crickets chirping. I had forgotten all about the incident this morning.

'We will burn a shroud tomorrow. We cannot tell who his Parent was, because he was not claimed.' The murmuring starts again. Ethan and Sophie, who are sitting near us, look down, suddenly interested in their shoes. A droplet of water seeped it's way from the corner of Sophie's green eyes, and it looks like Ethan might also be crying. Then a weird buzzing rings through the air. I look up towards where the sound is coming from. Ethan and Sophie. Above Ethan's head is an anvil and hammer. Sophie's head, wheat and a scythe. And then, I realise that something's glowing above my head as well.

'It's a sun, Kaelan,' says Aidan, in a soft tone. 'You're a son of Apollo.'

Chiron stands up tall and begins to talk.

'Ethan Hawkes, son of Hephaestus, Kaelan Dunne, son of Apollo and Sophie Bright, daughter of Demeter. Now, Capture the flag time!' A cheer goes up in the crowd, making my ears hurt a lot. 'For today, Ethan, Kaelan and Sophie will play with the Hermes cabin. Let the game begin!'

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