17: Fake Dead Real Dead

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Elijah POV

Josh is dead. Sword in his chest, still breathing heavily, but eyes closed. Not dead, but as good as dead.

'Congratulations, Jamie! You win... your life. You and your friends may leave the Auto-Zone.' He presses a button, and the glass barrier sinks back into the floor. The floor starts to shift again and within no time, it is back to the passage in the labyrinth, with just us demigods, now down to five.

'Autolycus,' Jamie loudly declares, with a croaky voice. 'Josh deserves a proper burial. We are going to take his body.' Although I don't want to have to carry around Josh's body, I let Jamie do what he wants. I'm not in the mood to argue.

'Fine,' snaps Autolycus. 'You can have the pathetic demigods body, though he's not worthy of anything good.' Jamie almost smiles, which I don't understand. He calls for Aidan, and they both pick him up together. As we start to walk away, Jamie turns around and loudly says,

'Se you later, fag-' but is cut off by Kaelan, who puts his hand over Jamie's mouth. We are all silent as we start to walk. Jamie has tears dripping down his face. We walk away quite fast, and after about one minute, Jamie quickly puts Josh on the floor, and calls out,

'Kaelan! Get some medicine! Nectar and Ambrosia, ASAP!' Everyone just stops. Kaelan just scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.

'GET. SOME. FREAKING. MEDICINE!' He yell-whispers. Kaelan quickly grabs some nectar and ambrosia and throws it to Jamie, who promptly starts feeding Josh.

'Oh crap,' he mutters. 'I used a celestial bronze weapon. Isn't that meant to take away the soul of demigods?' As if it is answering Jamie, Josh's wound starts to sizzle and bubble with a crimson bronze type of colour.

'Oh crap oh crap,' he keeps muttering as he drops some nectar onto Josh's wound. After about ten seconds, Josh sputters and opens his eyes slightly.

'Am.. am I... alive?'

It takes Josh a while, but he stands up and starts to walk.

'Ahhh,' he moans, as the wound starts to sizzle louder.

'My head hurts. I'm starting to feel dizzy.' Jamie gulps.

'I didn't think this through, I am so sorry.' Josh gets up and starts to limp and stumble, but I can tell he won't last long. I am not hopeful for his survival. After walking for about three minutes, while Josh's condition gets worse, we hear a noise.

'Um, am I the only person who hears footsteps?' Kaelan enquires. We all nod except Josh, who wearily looks up. We all look towards the noise. Waiting. Then a shadow appears, followed by a familiar person.

'Thought you could outsmart me?'

We turn and we run. I'm too scared to share what I am remembering. The vision. Everyone running, and Josh getting killed. We turn a corner, no longer following our map, just running away from Autolycus. His voice echos through the passages.

'I will kill you, son of Hermes!' He yells. Josh stumbles, and his pace gets slower and slower. It doesn't take long for Autolycus to catch up. He snatches Josh and holds a knife at his throat. We all stop, mouths gaping open.

'No,' Jamie bursts. 'NO! STOP! DON'T KILL HIM PLEASE!' A wicked, evil grin spreads across Autolycus' pale face.

'Say your last goodbyes, demi-nothings.' He digs the knife into Josh's neck and slides it the whole way along. Blood oozes and drips down his neck, as Josh blinks hard and breathes his last, raspy breath.

'See you... in.. Elysium...' He drops to the floor.

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