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September 22, 2017

Emily's POV

"Wake up sleepyhead it's 12:00! I'm boooored, let's do something cool!"-Logan. He starts jumping on my bed as I slowly open my eyes.

"Logan what the hell!"-Emily. I threw him of my bed with my legs as I yawn.

"Ok, ok, sorry! I'm gonna call the boys to come hang out with us. Where do you wanna go?"-Logan

"I don't know. How about Wonderland?"-Emily.

"The only way to go there is to find the Rabbit Hole"-Logan. We both laughed as he walked out my room calling the boys. I got out of bed and brushed my hair and teeth. I wore a yellow top with a white short coat and white ripped jeans.
After a few minutes someone knocks and Logan opens the door.

"Ok, Let's start the hunt for the Rabbit Hole"-Zach. I laugh and I walk out of my room.

"Hey! We have matching jeans!"-Daniel. I look at him to see his wearing a black t-shirt and a white ripped jean like mine.


"C'mon you two, let's go!" Logan shouts and I look at him to see he and the other boys are outside the house and means Daniel are the only ones inside so we run out to them.
We went to in Logan's car or as he knows it the 'Yati'.

"LET'S GO TO WONDERLAND!"-I shouted in the car as the others laughed.

"Wait, am I the only girl again?!"-Emily. I hated being the only girl. All the boys will talk about bro stuff and I always just sit there looking at them awkwardly.

"Don't worry, Lydia is gonna be there"-Logan

"Be where?"-Emily.

"You said you wanted to go to Wonderland so I thought maybe we can go to Disney Land"-Logan.

"Thanks, but can we go to Starbucks first I'm dying for a strawberry milkshake!"-Emily.

"Yeah, sure"-Logan. We went to Starbucks and I got my strawberry milkshake, Jonah and Corbyn got Coffee, Daniel got a watermelon juice and Jack and Logan got a unicorn frap, I'm surprised they had one. I got a spear Chocolate Milkshake for Lydia because I knew how much she loved it. We got there and I saw Lydia. I waved and ran to her, hugging her. I gave her the chocolate milkshake and she started drinking it.

"So, what now?"-Logan.

"I wanna go in the hunted House"-Emily.

"I'll come too"-Daniel.

"Ok, you two do that. We wanna try the new rollercoaster"-Logan said as he pointed at it. I looked at Lydia with a 'What do I do' face.

"I got an idea"-Lydia whispered.

"That's a great idea! Let's go"-Lydia. I looked at her with a dirty look.

"Have fun"-Lydia winked.
Me and Daniel walked in the hunted House and my hand started shaking. We got in the rollercoaster inside the hunted house. After a few seconds on the ride, a skeleton piped out and I hugged Daniel, hiding my face in his chest. Then he held my hand as I pulled back and he was smiling. I smiled back. I sighed, that was really awkward.

"Yeah, it was"-Daniel.

"Wait, was I thinking out loud?"-Emily. He nods

"Which part?"-Emily.

"Only the 'That was awkward' thing"-Daniel.

The ride ended and we got out but Daniel was still holding my hand.

"Uhh, Dani, you can let go now?"-Emily.

"No need"-Daniel. I looked at him confused. He got closer to me. I closed my eyes for some fucked up reason. After a few seconds I felt like he kissed me.

"Uh"-I say as I pulled back and my face was red and looked down. He held my chin and pulled it up causing me to look at him.

"Your cute when you blush. Don't turn around when you do it, just look at me because I love it"-Daniel. His sentence caused me to blush even more.

"THAT. WAS. AWESOME!"-Jack. Me and Daniel look over to see the others walking like they're drunk and Lydia is fine.

"That ride was the coolest thing in my life"-Logan.

"Meh, I didn't come anyways"-Lydia. I smiled wide and hugged her.

"What's up with you?"-Lydia.

"We kissed"- I whispered to her.

"REALLY?!"-Lydia yelled and the boys looked at us.

"Really what?"-Logan.

"Nothing, girl talk, again"-Emily. I smiled awkwardly at him.


That day ended up like normal days. I uploaded my yesterday's video and decided to do Make Me (Cry) by Noah Cyrus tomorrow.

Thanks for reading. Please vote for it and follow me for more. Sorry if it's short and  Happy Saturday. Love y'all and cya tomorrow. PEACE ✌

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