Chapter 2

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HALLO! I changed the cover, now it's lonely Isak getting food without kardemomme:(.

I'm gunna start updating like once a day, and by the looks of it, that's only gunna be like 7 or 8 days cause that's how many chapters i wrote so this will sorta be a one shot/ short story i guess so... ENJOY.

btw, This is a dark chapter but you can skip it if you dont want to be sad. if you do skip, you wont miss much, you'll just miss Even's POV of the whole situation.

Even POV

I have no words to describe anything. My feelings are blank, my heart is beating slower then it usually does, and my brain is thinking of the worst things. I was used to the brain thing but not the other stuff.

My doctor said that when I hit rock bottom (that means when I'm depressed as fuck) I should think of stuff to look forward to during the week. Yeah ok so One, I have to go to school with the one person I can't see or else I'll break down and I'll cry. Two, I have a History Test I didn't study for. Three, I won't be able to do anything at school cause I'm depressed. I could go on. Yeah, this is totally working, thanks!

I'm just laying here regretting anything and everything in my life, you know, the usual. I have been depressed like this for I don't even know how many times in my life. I just keep thinking about the thing he texted me...

Isak: Hey Even, I don't understand shit right now. Stop texting me.

Guess what, that killed me inside the moment I saw '- I don't understand -'.

I stopped texting him because he said so, and I need to let him know that I will listen and respect his requests. But honestly, who understands that in 2016? He is probably just thankful that he doesn't have to see another text from me, it probably fills him with joy that I'm out of his life. Because you know what, No one wants a mentally ill person in their life, he said that you know. He said that right in my face in the locker room. That broke my heart. But I stayed strong and tried to forget it because he was probably just stressed that day or something. But nope! I still remember it like it was yesterday.

You know what's fun to do when you are depressed? You can think about the very moment when you knew you were manic at the time and you can think of all the crazy things you thought and did.

I thought about when I booked that room for the suite, that sounds pretty manic if you ask me. Or maybe, it was when I asked him to become my boyfriend, but that doesn't really add up. And that's when it hits me...

Was I manic when I first saw him?


So that was chapter two, a short one i must add. Sorry about that.

Anyways, did you like it? Plz give feedback, bye!

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