Chapter 3

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HALLO! This chapter is probably one of the longest chapters in this story but also the most touchy topics in the episode. YOUR WELCOME! Enjoy :)

Isak POV

I was expressionless all day at school. I haven't been at school for I don't know how many days. I zoned out of all my classes.

When lunch came, I didn't want to eat so I just got one waffle to not let the boys worry about me not eating. I honestly just wanted to go home and sleep all day.

When I got to the table where Jonas and Mahdi were sitting, Mahdi asked me if there were really waffles here. I stared down at my waffle and said a simple yeah and that was enough for him to rush down to the lunch lady. I sat down. I stared at my waffle. I didn't want to talk to anyone. That's when Jonas spoke with a concerned tone in his voice.

"What's up with you not being at school?" He asked.

I didn't want to lie cause I knew that he wouldn't buy it. I kept staring down at my waffle as I answered.

"I'm a little down," And it was true, I was down in the fucking dumps.

I took a little bit of my waffle off my plate and stuffed it down my throat to try and get it down without seeming the slightest bit upset. That's when I heard the calming voice that I could trust, that is Jonas.

"What's up?" He asked.

Still looking down at my waffle, I try to think of something that would be a little more true but not to much that I would spill out my feeling like a girl cause I'm not a girl, I'm a man!

"Umm," I start, "Even lost it." I simply stated. I continued to look down at my waffle hoping he would just drop it, but I knew that he wouldn't cause he is that sort of best friend.

"Oh!" He exclaimed with his voice trying to sound like it's a calming conversation. "What did he do?"

I kept staring down at my waffle, hoping for my explanation not to sound too dramatic.

"He went outside naked," I said, raising my eyebrow just a little to make it sound like I couldn't believe it either. "In the middle of the night."

That's when I heard a huh sound coming from somewhere I didn't know.

I finally finished, "Apparently he's... Bipolar."

"Who's Bipolar?"

I look up and find Magnus eating a sandwich and sitting down.

"My mom is bipolar." He says exchanging faces with Jonas and I.

He then stares at me and I stare at him. My face in disbelief that I never knew that his mom was bipolar. My mouth gapes open as I stutter the words.

"You've got a crazy mom?" I say with my eyes looking at his.

"She's not crazy, she's bipolar." He says it like it's nothing.

My eyes are still glued on him never noticing after all those times I have been over at his house that his mom was cra... bipolar.

"Yeah, but..." I shake off the thought, "How is she?" I finally say, having curiosity in my eyes. I stare at him as he looks at me confused of the situation he got pulled into.

"She's fucking awesome." He says while throwing his free hand up. "She's... You've met her, haven't you?" He asks.

I look down trying to remember the last time I had been to his house. I don't remember but I pretend I do.

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