Chapter 7

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It's Friday. Today is the day where I have to go to the church and watch the play/musical performance with my two divorced parents. It's going to be one hell of a night.

I'm walking through the alley way and see the big blue cross on the stage and rows ahead of rows ahead of rows of bench seats all facing toward it. I see two figures in the front row standing and talking. Mom and dad are here and are not arguing or anything, they're just having a calm conversation. So far so good.

I'm walking closer toward them but I feel like everything is moving slow. I try on my smile and approach them both. We all smile and greet each other and hug. I zone out and can't hear anything they are saying so I just nod and smile.

I feel a vibration in my pocket. I look down and take out my phone. I see a message. I look at it and see that Even had texted me. My heart beats faster with every second I waste not reading it. I finally open it and see a long ass message.

Even: Dear Isak. I'm sitting at the place where we met each other for the first time and I'm thinking about you. Soon it'll be 21:21. I want to tell you a thousand things. Sorry for scaring you. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for not telling you I was bipolar. I was afraid of losing you. I'd forgotten that it's not possible to lose someone, that all people are alone anyway. A different place In the universe we are together for all eternity, remember that. Love you. Even.

When I finished reading it I couldn't do, move, think, hear, or feel anything. How do you react to reading something like that? I locked my phone when I saw my parents gesturing to our seats.

I couldn't pay attention to the performance but I looked at the performer who sang. I have never in my life thought that someone could make me feel the way I was feeling right now. To say that I was feeling all the emotions that a human being could possibly experience all at once was an understatement. I didn't know what half of the emotions were but what I did know was that they weren't going away.

I looked at the performer then switched my attention to the big blue cross. Right then and there I remembered memories. Memories of Even and I when we first cuddled together, the scene in Romeo and Juliet where she is laying on her casket, the cross in the movie, and the video of Even at his old school making his short film. I remember the note Even left me with the NAS quote 'I don't sleep cuz sleep is the cousin of death', the time at the hotel when he said 'the only way to have something for eternity, is by losing it', and the words 'deep depression' that I read on wiki.

I blink and all of those memories went through my mind, but left all too fast to appreciate them. I had this strange gut feeling that something was wrong. I picked up my phone without me realizing it and found myself reading the message Even sent me. I skim through it and lowered down my phone. The thought of going there, going to the place where we first met each other, seemed like instinct, as I got up and left. I walked out the church.

The memories of when Even and I on the elevator making out, the memories of when we were at my house and we got undressed, the memories when we were in the locker room and we kissed, when we cuddled at my house. The memories of when we kissed/made out in the pool, the memories of when we were at the neon party at my apartment and we eye fucked each other while making out with our girlfriends at the time, the memories when I went over to his house and we sat on his window sill, and finally, the time when we sat on that bench.

Before I knew it, I was staring at the bench where it happened. I was here! But where is he? Did he leave already? Was I too late? When I lost all hope I remembered one finale memory, the place where we first met each other. I didn't know what to do. I looked around me to see if I could see him. That's when I heard a door swing open. I turned my head and saw him standing right there! He was here, I wasn't too late. We stared at each other. I turned my body and started to walk quickly toward the man I have fell in love with the moment I laid eyes on him. The man that made me feel happy when I wasn't. The man that I experienced new things with. The man of my life.

The End

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