17 - tumblr / lashton

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ashton: i was on tumblr before and i saw this account right

luke: ..yeah

ashton: and it was full of pictures of my selfies with hearts and shit

luke: o

ashton: like i dont know if i should find it cute or creepy

luke: right

ashton: i mean.. it is cute if you think about it, atleast there arent any photo's of me that i know weren't being taken

luke: so.. you found it cute?

ashton: it kinda was

luke: well-

ashton: but it's really strange like wtf who would do that


ashton: if i found out who it is i'll just question their existence

luke: kinda harsh dont you think

ashton: not really

luke: what if it was someone you knew, or someone who was inlove with you but is too afraid to tell you?

ashton: when you put it that way-

luke: it was me

ashton: it's still creepy

ashton: wait what

luke: w h a t

ashton: what did you say?

luke: nothinfg

ashton: is that tumblr blog yours



luke: maybe

ashton: you need help

luke: gee thanks love you too.

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